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71986, IMM question: A recent IMMteraction.
Posted by Anon player person on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I recently had an immteraction with an IMM who helped my char out of a jam in exchange for something. Before I could do my part, something happened that makes me want to delete this character.
So, my options are playing the char and doing the thing and deleting after, or just deleting. I don't want a rep for not keeping bargains. If I had interest in continuing the char, it would be first priority. And if it wasn't, i'd expect to be put right back in that jam and probably much worse.
What do IMMs think about a situation like this? Would you consider it bad form to delete or auto without doing the task?
71990, Some conjecture
Posted by Gillador on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is a predefined path to joining scarab outlined in the catechism(getable item from within the cabal). In the absence of mortal leaders (and generally in their presence) working through what it lays out is your best bet toward getting an induct. Since the cabal presently has 2 members that don’t log much if you sent up a pray as a pledge for a copy of the book I would imagine someone might hook you up.
Doing those tasks generally takes a fair bit of time because they involve interacting with other chars and you won’t necessarily have all the types available in any given login. Leader or no leader the path to becoming a scarab is much more time intensive than any other cabal by design. But if you make an honest effort and have a half decent grasp of the core ideals scarab is a big softy. I found 8-11pm pacific time was the best to catch him but I strongly recommend notes and patience.
While scarab offers a lot of flexibility in terms of how you personally conduct your hunting the life of one is filled with very long odds and very few allies. If you aren’t cool with retrieving solo against groups most logins and generally fighting uphill then you likely won’t enjoy scarab cabal. If you love adversity though, nothing is better.
71989, RE: IMM question: A recent IMMteraction.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Typically the most you'll get from an imm in that situation is "Dang", with no hard feelings. If you're done with the character, be done with the character, since otherwise I'd be willing to bet you wouldn't have fun with the bargain/request if you pushed ahead.
For me, I don't think it's bad form when people delete in general. I may think "Oh man, if only XYZ..." but that's never a bad form perspective, just a "What could have been!".
So I'd say go with what you'd have fun with. If you're done with the char, be done with it. If you think you could have some fun with the char, then go for it.
71988, Don’t take it so seriously. nt
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
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