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Topic subjectEmpire idea.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=7163
7163, Empire idea.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just an idea.

One thing I've always thought was iffy about Imperials, is that when they do not have large numbers, they seem to ignore the whole idea of keeping other cabal's items.

Often, unless they have overwhelming force, they just don't seem to try...

Sure, this lets them have less enemies until they ARE overwhelming force...then they rule the roost.

I'm not sure, however, that it makes sense for impirials to just ignore part of being an imperial (taking items), OR does it make sense for certain other cabals to just let empire have peace until they are bulging with numbers.

Now, while I do not think that empirials are "over" powered. I do think they have a whole bunchload of powers that directly aid pk, where other cabals do not.

My idea, accomplishes a few things.

1) Keeps up a direct pressure on imperials FROM MORTALS to keep other cabal items.

2) keeps other cabals pissed at the empire, instead of letting them slectively forget how expansionist the empire is.

3) Adds another dimension to imperial politicing, which, to my mind, is the reason I play imperials...to get devious and political.

So this is my idea.

Have the sect leader's powers available when the empire controlls another cabal's items.

Warmaster has his special powers when empire has the Head.

Dreadlord has his special powers when empire has the Sceptre.

High priest has his special powers when empire has the Orb.

Shadow lord has his special powers when empire has the Fetish.

These, in my mind, make rp sense, as the head is a force of warrior-ish power...and having it in the altar would add that kind of power to the Codex...same with the sceptre and dark powers....Having the Orb in the Altar would lessen the strength of the Light in Thera...giving the Dark sect extra power. And the shadow sect (thieves assassins) rely on civilization and the shadows of civilization, and when the Altar contains the fetish, the forces and darkness of Civilization grow...

*Maybe extend this to the highest powers that elites get? or would that go too far?*

This would give a conscious, rp, game mechanics reason for sect leaders to drive their sects into keeping the Empire's items.

It would also cause a bit of politicing between sects.... I as Warmaster want to be able to trip and disarm and kick automatically in combat.....but I want to be able to do it without the aid of the Divines...because to get their aid I'd have to aid them ....and I'd rather have Me with power, and the High priest without his.....

You could go so far, as to say the council has a total of six possible votes instead of 4. A sect leader gets 1.5 votes *IF* his sect currently controlls their enemy's item. Giving the sect leader a direct, measurable motivation to *NOT* get buddy buddy with all the other sects...because if he *DOESN'T* help them...he has more sway on the council. Perhaps also make it so that the council can not choose, or over-throw, an emperor without the full 6 votes. Meaning all 4 of the Items must be controlled.

Of course, an evil emperor's job might be defined as "Using my authority to cut down on the natural bickering of my underlings, to force them to work together, to increase my own personal power"

Maybe the emperor getting the sect leader powers is tied to this too....so that while the Emperor is about, he cuts through all the political maneuvering and can order his sects to get all the items...to increase his own power.....

But that also opens him up to the danger of the council turning on him...because if all of the council has their full power, there is the POSSIBILITY of an overthrow.....so maybe it would be best if he keeps his sects at one another's throats?
7217, RE: Empire idea.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Have the sect leader's powers available when the empire
>controlls another cabal's items.
>Warmaster has his special powers when empire has the Head.
>Dreadlord has his special powers when empire has the Sceptre.
>High priest has his special powers when empire has the Orb.
>Shadow lord has his special powers when empire has the

I had some sort of thought like this probably four or five years ago, and the counter to it was...if we do it like that for Empire, why not for everyone? Which both made sense, and made being in any cabal a lot less fun. It also does destroy the idea that the Empire can make temporary alliances, which I think is good for the Empire.
7269, RE: Empire idea.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I had some sort of thought like this probably four or five
>years ago, and the counter to it was...if we do it like that
>for Empire, why not for everyone? Which both made sense, and
>made being in any cabal a lot less fun. It also does destroy
>the idea that the Empire can make temporary alliances,
>which I think is good for the Empire.

I can see why. Because in other cabals, people don't get "extra" powers for being a leader. Maran/Acolyte leaders don't get special powers just given to them, beyond normal Maran powers. None of the other cabals have anything comperable to sect leader powers. I think on top of the normal balance this would bring to sect leaders, it would also help to motivate Emperors to get off their ass and motivate the troops. If you look at Blitzenturts PBF, it was commented on that there were overwheling Imperial odds on, and yet none of the cabal items were taken. Maybe if they didn't get those sicksome powers just for having the orb, they may be less complacent.
7168, Hhrm.
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Not sure if you've played an Imperial lately or not,
but 9 times out of 10, when the Imperials on have
the ability to gather another cabal's items, they do.

Your idea sounds interesting, but I don't think it's

7222, I'd actually say otherwise
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They really only do seem to raid when their forces are overwhelming
Now, back during a certain older Emperiors time they would raid at slightly riskier odds, but recently I've seen them totally ignore a cabal because it had one warrior defender, and man thats pretty sissy if there are three or four of you.