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Topic subjectHere's a suggestion requiring no coding!
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71286, Here's a suggestion requiring no coding!
Posted by Relio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Perhaps we could flesh out the felar race a smidge more.

Ergush is a felar.

Ergush is an Ancient.

Felar are an Ancient race.

Before they were enslaved by magicians, they were wandering the forests freely.

This would give another dimension to a race that has one of the narrower back stories and only requires some echoes and a help file change.
71301, RE: Here's a suggestion requiring no coding!
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Technically that requires coding, since only the coders can change helpfiles.

Otherwise, eh. Felar are an old race, not as ancient as the world, but still old as hell. I'm not exactly sure when the 'first' was supposed to be, but the implications seem to be relatively ancient.

I don't think that is a particularly narrow backstory, since at this point in history the felar are like any other race. So I'm not quite sure how that would really open anything up.

It sounds pointless to me, unless I'm missing something.
71287, RE: Here's a suggestion requiring no coding!
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Felar were originally animals. Mages mutated these animals into sapient humanoids and enslaved the resulting creation.

There's lore floating around in places like the Valley of Veran which give a glimpse into what life was like prior to the Wars of Freedom.
71289, Well that doesn't work out with Ergush then.
Posted by Relio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How can he be felar if he's an Ancient from before the time of the Wars of Freedom?

71290, He isn't an Ancient
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being an immortal for Outlander doesn't mean you're an ancient.
71291, Well he doesn't correct you when you call him one. :) n/t
Posted by Relio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
71300, Because he's vane Morian
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM