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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectFelar Bandit Chief
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=70595
70595, Felar Bandit Chief
Posted by Grord on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Should be unsummonable.

It's like the talk on edges, if everyone picks the same one, something's wrong.

When that area was written I doubt someone thought that this mob would be the default, the always chosen first mob, to summon to stop invokers, bards, berserkers, anyone who does area effect or autoattack.

There are hundreds of very strong, healthy mobs that are second choices now, like dwarves, giants, etc. The bandit chief should just be made unsummonable. It's a one-shop-stop game changing mob that does a player's job. It is both a warrior with reliable cut off and reliable legsweep and reliable slice, as well as a thief with reliable cheap shot. It's better than a player, really, as it will never flee even if it is going to die, so it sacrifices itself for the summoner ganger.

You want meat shields? Summon other mobs. This one should be removed from the list.
70678, If we take out counters to bloodthirst.
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can we remove the haste aspect of bloodthirst to make it fair for for every single combo that bloodthirst pastes?
70672, RE: Felar Bandit Chief
Posted by Thaedan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At the risk of encouraging more complaining...I can kind of see your point. I don't think it's as much of a slam dunk as you do, but I can definitely see an argument that the felar chief in his current form shouldn't be summonable.

To the other folks who've responded that it's always been this way: has the mob always been a pole spec? I lack the means to check, but I'm guessing the felar chief existed prior to weapon specs.

Counter argument: he may not have always been a pole spec, but he's been that way for a long time now and many berserkers over the years have had to deal with him.

Then again, it's not unheard of for mobs to be made nosummon once they start getting abused. I remember one time summoning all of the wandering paladins from the mountains northwest of Udgaard because they auto-attacked...evils? Necros? Crimnals? I forget. Those were eventually changed.
70676, Felar bandit chief autoattacks noone (n/t)
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
70680, RE: Felar bandit chief autoattacks noone (n/t)
Posted by Thaedan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know, and didn't mean to imply that he did. Just that it's not unheard of for an area author (or updater) to create a mob (or enhance a mob) and forget to make it no_summon, and for that oversight to be corrected after the fact. As was the case with those paladin mobs.

IMO Grord's strongest argument here (which still may not be convincing) is that the felar chief should have been made no_summon at the point he became a pole spec. That is, it's unbalanced for RBWs to have to choose between not thirsting and being forced to deal with high-hp mobs that legsweep and cutoff whenever they face enemy summoners.

He seems to be fine with having to deal with high-hp mobs in general. Just not ones that legweep and cutoff.
70691, RBWs are where they should be.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rock, paper, scissors.
70677, RE: Felar Bandit Chief
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the flaw in the argument is you are referencing NPCs that indiscriminately auto attacked anyone that met a certain criteria (aggro entry, aggro evil entry, aggro criminal entry, etc...), which was able to be abused because summoners could grief lowbies and such by bringing a level 51 MOB to a level 5 ranking area and watch it one shot people. Or just leaving it somewhere it should not be for people to wander into and be killed.

I think all NPCS that have any form of aggro on entry has been made no-summon (I could be wrong on that though) to avoid this specific thing. So those patrollers, paladins and clouds are all no-summon now.

However, some assisting NPCs, as far as I recall, could still be summoned, which can be abused as well. Frost giants are among the more recent ones that come to mind, though I think elite dwarven guards were a go to in the past.

Since the felar chief is not aggro to any, he remains able to be summoned as a counter to people using AOE type attacks. While he may be the standard NPC summoned, that's probably because he is well known and good for what he does, not necessarily because he is the best available summon.

People used him against my bards all the time. A nuisance at best though, at least for a bard, since he can be calmed if he gets brought into the fight or he can just be put to sleep.

Just another perk of being a bard, their damaging AOE does not impact sleeping people, though the maledicting songs do.
70614, RE: Felar Bandit Chief
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're a serial Battle player. By the looks of it, your last few characters were Ragers. If I cared to check, I imagine the characters before those characters were Ragers.

Like the man said, it's roshambo, and you always choose rock. So you don't get to complain about paper.
70615, RE: Felar Bandit Chief
Posted by Grord on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't decide if you're being deliberately opaque or whatever but you just aren't making sense. It's not about rock-paper because it's not another player. We aren't talking about summon, we're talking about what is being summoned. Let them summon. No one's saying otherwise. And having played ragers (played others) gives you exactly the right view, you see it in action. It's one mob, it does too much, just make it unsummonable. They have a whole mud of mobs to choose from, nobody is taking the strategy away. And this mob wasn't created for this purpose. Just do it. Nike!
70616, If there is no another player, who summons it?
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Summoners are the paper to your rock, is what Umi is saying. There is no need to exclude a specific mob from their arsenal.

If you're so arsed about it, hit the felar chief and lead him into the underdark or something.
70598, Rock paper scissor, by design nt
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
70603, RE: Rock paper scissor, by design nt
Posted by Grord on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That doesn't make sense. It's a mob, not a person. Plenty of mobs. That mob isn't there for this purpose, and it's an outsize power. Lots of other mobs. Use them. This one shouldn't be.
70605, I have played and con died a lot of villagers
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think in total over several years I died due to summoned mobs 1-3 times.

You can decide not to thirst if the battlefield doesn’t favor it and then summoned mobs don’t affect you at all.
70606, Sure it does
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Summon is a counter to aoe and bloodthirst. The felar chief is summoned by a PC to counter the abilities of another PC. Its not like the mob wanders around on its own accord and randomly attacks PCs.

Its really easy to not get beat up by the felar chief if its summoned, you just don't hit it with anything. You can also recruit an ally to summon it away to another location, or pull the tracking on it because its a regular NPC and not restricted by PK range.
70609, RE: Sure it does
Posted by Grord on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are missing the point. Nobody is suggesting that summon shouldn't be usable. It's this particular mob, which should not be summonable. It is too much for this purpose. Summoners can summon ghaelek, orumous, storm giants, whatever they want. But this mob is too smart, too good, and I again bet that it was never intended for this purpose.

Again, like edges, and other choices, when everyone chooses the same thing, it's too good.
70610, RE: Sure it does
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Again, like edges, and other choices, when everyone chooses the same thing, it's too good.

You mean like the Berserker path?
70612, I believe this guy gets it
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I also support his commentary
70611, It’s not even optimal
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure it’s good if you have time for one summon. But if this is your reaction to an easily avoidable(ignorable in many cases for a hero villager). I am not sure you are ready for a pile of frost warrior summons. They assist and are axe specs.

Cutoff can suck but it’s more of a stop you from m running than a kick your teeth in situation
70607, This is actually a reasonable tactic vs ragers...
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Has been for eeeever... Also there are many, many, many ways a rbw is going to win ridiculous fights. Them summoning felar chief and losing is still possible vs rbw. Just be thankful you can't summon dragons anymore.
70608, Is it a viable tactic for fortress? Lol that's a different story, Esp if you kill felar chief because of them nt
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
70597, Not suited against invokers.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lightningshield bro. And they're immune to fire. And they can fly and can word, so who cares about legsweep and cutoff.
70596, Just don't call blood all the time nt
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
70617, One does not simply not call blood. (NT)
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM