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Topic subjectA little lost roleplay wise and what I should do
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70036, A little lost roleplay wise and what I should do
Posted by CptainTwizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I need a little creativity advice and being new to this MUD, i'm a necromancer and can carry myself well as one I like to think but I really have no idea what to do next other than leveling, feels a bit like auto-pilot mode? What are some things I can achieve/do. I know it's endless possibilities, that much I can tell. I just have no idea what those possibilities are! Is there a ittle bit of lore I could read up on too to kinda, get a better feel? Maybe someone drop a link? Had someone get pissed at me because I use magic and asked for a tip and they are against magic, I didn't know things like that. Anyways, kinda just feeling a bit lost and looking for advice.

Also any roleplay tips per lifestyles you've seen in the past for suggestion in my own ways would be cool too!
70047, RE: A little lost roleplay wise and what I should do
Posted by Thaedan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

With respect to your first question, here's a non-exhaustive list of things you could potentially be doing. Some are more interesting than others.

1. Ranking.
2. Exploring an area you're not familiar with.
3. Trying to get gear that's better than what you're already wearing.
4. Practicing to raise your skill percentages.
5. Hunting people so you can kill them. (This also helps with #3).
6. Trying to get into a cabal, if you're not already in one.
7. Gathering gold, which is helpful for healing at healers.

In terms of role-play, just familiarize yourself with the CF cabal landscape, then act like you're the character you're playing. If you don't have a backstory, first thing would be to create one via the "role" command. Hard to play a "role" if you don't have one.

Then just play it out. For instance, when you asked that guy for tips and he reacted harshly because you're a magic user, behave as if your character would behave upon first discovering there are people hell-bent on destroying magic. Would he be angry? Surprised? Fearful? Incredulous? Etc.
70039, Definitely read Matrik's reply. And...
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll emphasize again that if you want to be friendly with all types of characters, receive lots of advice, etc., a necromancer is probably the absolute worst IC. The only class as reviled as a necromancer is an anti-paladin. No one really had much motivation to like you.

That said...

Here are some more things you could do aside from just leveling:

- Look for things to buy and sell. There are a lot of items for sale in major cities that are extremely powerful/useful and underutilized, hiding in plain sight!

- Get involved with a cabal. Necromancers can join Empire (orderly only), Entropy (chaotic only), Scarab, Tribunal (orderly only). This will give you some general goals to accomplish in PvP, exploration or roleplay. Read the helpfiles and see which appeals most to you. Empire is semi-automated and very easy to join (but also easy to get kicked out of and "Anathematized"). You can ask Imperial Recruiter NPCs that appear randomly in various cities about the bloodoath. The rest might be a little bit more challenging to get into.

- Get involved with a religion. Type "WIZLIST" to see active religions. Read the helpfiles for each immortal and decide which fits with a story or style of roleplay that appeals to you. This will also give you some goals for PvP, exploration or roleplay.

- Hang out at the Inn of the Eternal Star and just talk to people. You might make friends or find opportunities to do something cool. It's *relatively* safe there, as buff bouncer mobs will jump in to help you if you're attacked, and if a Herald is around, he or she can stop fights and kick out the offenders. But just keep in mind that you still could be killed there.

Also, as a newbie and especially as a necromancer, you are going to die a ton. One of my first characters, a loooong time ago, was a necromancer and I probably never went longer than 20 minutes without dying. Accept that it isn't THAT big of a deal and just try to learn from it.
70041, RE: Definitely read Matrik's reply. And...
Posted by CptainTwizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't wanna be friendly don't get me wrong, IC at least. But yeah that bit is kinda hard when you skull is a bit empty, this'll help a lot. Thank you
70042, RE: Definitely read Matrik's reply. And...
Posted by CptainTwizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can you give me an example of the buy and sell thing?
70043, RE: Definitely read Matrik's reply. And...
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you're wandering around and see an item on the ground that you think might be valuable, pick it up and try to sell it to the appropriate vendor. Make this a habit and before long, you might end up with a lot of gold.

You can use talismans, wands and scrolls, and anyone but Battleragers can use potions. Figure out what all of the ones sold in cities do and determine which might be useful to you. Also, there are shopkeepers in some guilds in major cities that sell really useful items. One of these will make ranking a LOT easier for you in early to mid levels. A hint: for necromancers, there is a talisman sold in a major city once you hit hero range that can make you a lot more powerful.

70037, RE: A little lost roleplay wise and what I should do
Posted by Matrik- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Necromancer is a tough start with lots of enemies. All of the fortress cabal, outlander cabal, and battle rager cabal want to kill you. Then also anyone that is just good aligned wants to kill you. Probably some others just because they like to kill.

For lore, go to the Inn of the Eternal Star. Try to meet a herald or find one on the who list (most have obvious titles). Ask them to vouch for you to get into the Lyceum. It's a library behind the inn that has a ton of lore based information. Great start for that sort of thing including some necromancer specific entries.

Next find out where Ishuli's shrine is. Players have contributed quite a lot of written works there. Some are just theory, some are character-based lore, and some are just straight up guides for new players.

Other than that, my favorite strategy to learn more about the game is to type "area (my level)", choose one that has a max level barely above mine and go explore that place. You'll die some doing this, but you'll also find auto-quests, interesting items, and gain explore/observation experience. Maybe focus on getting to whatever level identify is for you first.

Buy a mercenary in Galadon, Hamsah Mu'tazz, Blackclaw, or Seantryn Modan. That is Mercs, NOT pets. Mercenaries act as a group mate in terms of gaining experience. Most are not very tough (low level ones especially), but they can rescue you in a pinch if you order them to. "Order all rescue myname." They also work great as gear carriers. Just be sure you take the gear back before you log out because their inventory goes poof. Use that gear to sell or barter, including bartering for healing at healers in town.

Finally, use helps files and ask questions here.
70040, RE: A little lost roleplay wise and what I should do
Posted by CptainTwizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, this gives me a good idea of who at least would be after me. Haha, this is great thank you. As a roleplay aspect though what would a necromancer really focus towards? I'll check out the inn for sure.
70044, Necromantic roleplay
Posted by Matrik- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's really up to you and can be as stereotypical or out of the norm as you like. Maybe you're just like a spooky scientist that thinks undead animation is super interesting. Maybe you hate all life and want to end it. Maybe you think deep down you're really a good guy, but maaaan do you love having automatons to boss around.

A few posts I'll link here are great for formulating roles and possibly understanding CF level role play in general.



I just scanned, but have read in the past. I believe the first is mostly in regards to back story while the second is mostly in regards to how your character actually acts in general interaction.

As you play, be aware that some people treat this game more as a Call of Duty in text than they do a role playing game. Some of us though are intensely focused on the role play. You also have the gamut in between the two extremes. So don't get disheartened if some dude comes along, curb stomps you, and then doesn't pay any mind to anything you say: silently walks away.

Personally, for a first character, I would make your guy very focused on exploration/information. Like for a necromancer you might be on the hunt to find and research all areas of "desecration" or something. Anywhere you find channels of unholy energy or something. (EDIT: Then proceed to ask people about graveyards or whatever you think might help your NEXT necromancer succeed if you knew it very well. I think graveyards is one, but I don't do necros) You can feel free to make up some aspects even. I've made up alternate death theories and things that my chars believe which don't actually fit the reality of Thera. Just like real life though: some people believe in spaghetti monsters and some don't! Your character doesn't necessarily know for sure about anything.
70045, Premium Battlefield is a great resource too
Posted by Mcbeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can read role entries from dead characters, both very good, very bad, and everything in between. I've gotten a lot of inspiration from looking at what others have done, we have some super creative writers and roleplayers here.