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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEquipment Purged
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=69465
69465, Equipment Purged
Posted by Giacomo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would like to bring something which I just experienced to the CF community. I am currently playing a character which is in the low 20's and has 26 hours on him/her. Today, I logged in, and my limited equipment was purged. After speaking with a very cordial IMM it became apparent that I was not playing enough.

What I am having a hard time accepting is that my time invested into this game was not enough to keep my hard earned reward. Which is very discouraging.

What I didn't mention above, which the IMM who I spoke to shared with me tonight, was that since November 1st I happened to logged 10 hours. Hours which I was not tracking - since there is no way to do so for mortals. And to be honest, I only look at total character hours. However, I personally consider 26 hours a decent amount of time overall spent.

So the point of this post is not to look for sympathy, but instead hope to promote change. I am asking for this current policy to be changed or readjusted. Or at least take another look at it.

Thank you.
69474, RE: Equipment Purged
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the 30 day span in question you logged 7 hours and you were purged of some pretty low limit gear (e.g. a limit one cuirass and a limit two sword). As at least one other person said, while it's no fun for you to lose those items it's also no fun for everyone else if they never get a shot at killing you for them because you're only on the MUD less than 1% of the time.

If this is genuinely a problem for you I think the solution is be content with less than top shelf equipment and deck yourself out in non-limited or highly (in a beneficial sense) limited stuff that won't poof. You'd be surprised how competitive a character can be without the best of the best gear, and you can always trade up even if it's temporary.

Besides, in 22 levels and 26 hours you've only attempted to PK one person. That gear ain't for lookin' at :P
69476, I know my rights!
Posted by Long break taker 233 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Warranted, still painful. Many moons ago...

You know, it's not nice to hoard equipment.

Your a stone fetish, carved as a tortoise has been purged.
Your a stone fetish, carved as a tortoise has been purged.
Your a small wooden bear totem has been purged.
Your the tortured visage of a fallen angel has been purged.
Your a sapphire periapt has been purged.
Your the Notes of the Master has been purged.
Your the Dark Rod of Conquest has been purged.
Your loose fitting robes ever-flowing with pure mana has been purged.
Your the robe of the High Magister has been purged.
Your a sash of fine green silk has been purged.
Your a pair of gloves of quickling skin has been purged.
Your a brooch set with blue stones has been purged.
You have been outfitted by the Immortals of Thera.

You know, it's not nice to hoard equipment.

Your a pelt from the Winter Wolf has been purged.
Your boots skinned from the Great Sky Hunt's flesh has been purged.
Your a mace of water has been purged.
Your the staff of wonders has been purged.
Your the orb of ice has been purged.
Your a scroll of improvement has been purged.
Your a pair of gloves of quickling skin has been purged.
Your the tortured visage of a fallen angel has been purged.
Your a ring of stamina has been purged.
Your the boots of the Zephyr has been purged.
Your a jagged onyx shard has been purged.
Your a sash of fine green silk has been purged.
Your the Bracelet of Longevity has been purged.
Your a sapphire periapt has been purged.
Your a pair of darkened leggings has been purged.
Your the Bracelet of Longevity has been purged.
You have been outfitted by the Immortals of Thera.

I did get some hard cheese out of the deal, though. So I got that going for me.
69477, What’s really going to get your biscuit,
Posted by Seriphax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
is thinking about who those were purged from before you were able to get them.

Yes, I horribly paraphrased a line from the matrix to the extent that it likely needs explaining. No, I am not ashamed. Even though it’s both possible and probable that the items were not all purged before being available to you. I’m taking a stand, though. ;)
69478, Holy ladies!
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate you! That should've been:

Kstatida takes the Notes of the Master from your corpse.
69468, Eq purge code
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is monitoring your floating sum of hours played for the last month. When it's below 30, your eq starts to go poof. It's more complicated than that, but with 30 hours a month you're positively safe.
69470, RE: Eq purge code
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's far less than 30/month. I don't lose anything at something like 6/month. YMMV because I have #### gear x forever
69471, You bastard! NT
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
69466, I'm sorry but you won't receive any sympathy from me.
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since Nov 1st you've averaged about 15min per day.

That is simply not enough time to allow other players the opportunity to take said limited gear from you.

I understand that you think its unfair you cannot keep your limited items, but i also think it is unfair that you're denying others the same opportunity.
69467, I was purged of gear on 2 of my last 3 logins
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it was totally fair since due to my work schedule I am only logging in every other weekend for a couple of hours. Just grab a regear piece and go, especially in the low ranks where it doesn't really matter.
69566, items purged
Posted by Aroyv Undersnake on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Recently I had items purged. Thought I had been active enough to maintain them. Perhaps since I am not a PKer my hours were not enough..
69567, RE: items purged
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
PKing has nothing to do with it. The algorithm is based on hours played over various intervals.

If an immortal doesn't like you they can speeden up this process though :)
69570, By definition, this is incorrect.
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the anti-hoarding code hits you, more or less by definition, you weren't playing enough to maintain that gear.

However, since it's brought up, I double-checked to make certain nothing crazy was happening. This has never been an exceptionally active character, which is cool. You generally play enough that it's reasonable to keep your fun toys, but your recent months have gotten steadily more and more sparse. Besides your last week (in which you've already played more than the entirety of your month previously), you played almost exactly the amount as the original thread's poster, so Umiron's reply is probably just as applicable.

Honestly, the bar's set pretty low. If you're at the point of trying to figure out whether you're playing enough to avoid gear purge, you're definitely not really using the gear.
69577, RE: By definition, this is incorrect.
Posted by Aroyv Undersnake on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
OK..I knew my hours had waned a little for a brief time there but hadn't thought they'd waned that much. No biggie. I will carry on as I do.