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Topic subjectMy Wizlist times, and the Ergush religion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=69197
69197, My Wizlist times, and the Ergush religion
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hello everyone!

Recently an issue has arisen that caused a player to delete a follower of mine. One of the reasons cited was that my new wizlist times no longer matched with his/her play times. Because of that, I felt a little clarity was needed. Below are a few notes about everything:

1. I love attention, about as much as anyone else, but I am not going to respond 2,3,4 days in a row. When I give you a task, I want you to take time and put some effort into it. I realize people get to play more than others, but If I give you a task on Monday, I will probably not entertain a second meeting till at least Wednesday.

2. My wizlist: Some players will note that my wizlist cycles between 7am-4pm eastern, and 6pm-9:30pm eastern. This is because I cycle my work with 2 week in the office and two weeks at home. So, to be clear: If you see my wizlist at 6pm-9:30pm eastern and that doesn't work for you, give it a few weeks and come back to it. Chances are it will be the opposite times.

I would like to leave this thread open for anyone who wants to ask questions. The questions must be about the Ergush religion and I will not be giving away any secrets (there are none... or are there? Bwahaha)
69231, What's your point?
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And by that I mean do you have an OOC goal with your immortal. Like currently Korsgaard does a great job in incentivizing people to go explore - and he does a great job there as there is a number of players who have explored a great deal of Thera ONLY because they're in Kors' religion currently.

Like Emnon's stirring up hidden politics and PK which make the game so much fun for the likes of me.

What're you aiming at with your immortal?
69233, RE: What's your point?
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, that is a good question!

I never sat down and said "From an OOC standpoint, I want to accomplish this: _____"

I guess, if I have to answer the question, it would really be to help bring Thera to life. Doing Quests, events, random encounters, random Immteraction, etc.

That is what I, as an immortal want to do, regardless of my religion.

On the religion front, I am hoping to see some very solid RPers, out there doing their best to enhance the immersion of the the players around them. This doesn't mean they cant be good at PK, but if they are, AND great at RP, I would consider that a 100% total win.

Hope that answers your question!
69223, RE: My Wizlist times, and the Ergush religion
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems like there's a clear delineation between "natural order" and the "mysterious force" that affects mortals. So if I'm reading your helpfile correctly, you tend the former, while you are an observer of the second?

It just feels like there's some weird connection between the two I am missing. What is this mysterious force? Is it the influence of imms on mortals? Is it fate? And either way, you note that it's an essential for life to continue. But doesn't this force also theoretically cause an imperial to join empire, or a mortal to defy the natural order?

Also, would a follower have to dedicate their life to both of these ideas? Or are you fine with a follower who only wants to follow you for one of these facets while merely acknowledging that the second exists?
69229, Great post! Lets see if I can explain it a bit more:
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems like there's a clear delineation between "natural order" and the "mysterious force" that affects mortals. So if I'm reading your helpfile correctly, you tend the former, while you are an observer of the second?

So, Ergush himself works to protect Natural Order, or Nature's Law. The interpretation of those Laws is what adds the complexity to to the religion itself, but the basic premise is the cycle of life, First Law, etc.

The Mysterious Force is directly referring to Spirit. What drives the person to do things. This is kind of where one of the "secrets" of the religion comes in to play, so I dont want to go too in-depth. Just note that Nature's Law, in Ergush's eyes, directly affects how the spirit is created. I realized this is kind of confusing, but it all becomes a bit more apparent when you begin having talks with Ergush.

It just feels like there's some weird connection between the two I am missing. What is this mysterious force? Is it the influence of imms on mortals? Is it fate? And either way, you note that it's an essential for life to continue. But doesn't this force also theoretically cause an imperial to join empire, or a mortal to defy the natural order?

Mysterious Force explanation is above, basically it is a person's spirit, but it is written that way to let the player interpret how they want to so that we can spark conversation and RP. Ergush sees spirit as a direct influence to something that IS vital to life, as everyone has this thing, but that is one of those Religion RP things that you need to learn about in the religion. And yes, it does influence the persons choices in life.

Also, would a follower have to dedicate their life to both of these ideas? Or are you fine with a follower who only wants to follow you for one of these facets while merely acknowledging that the second exists?

Ultimately, Ergush is going to teach you about several things. This is where some OOC stuff comes in: I am a new Immortal, and the religion is evolving into a fully fleshed out religion through RP with followers. So, coming back over time might teach you some new things that will help tie things together.

I am okay with a follower dedicating themselves to one part of the religion, but the general path (At the moment) for followers is:

Learn about each of the three facets (Storms, Pride, Spirit), Then learn about Nature's Law, then tie them together.

I hope this Explains it a bit more and answers all your questions!
69234, Thanks!
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure if I'll make a return to CF just yet, partly cuz of time + partly since I have no idea what to roll, but being able to get some answers on different religions helps without having to waste a char trying to see which of the new religions is appealing to me.
69221, RE: My Wizlist times, and the Ergush religion
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No one? No one has any questions?
69225, As someone who struggles mightily with empowerment...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How would I approach Ergush given that while I know writing a role and description and making floofy emotes will get attention what I really want to spend my time on is playing the game not writing fanfic or discussing philosophy or any of that junk?

69230, RE: As someone who struggles mightily with empowerment...
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How would I approach Ergush given that while I know writing a role and description and making floofy emotes will get attention what I really want to spend my time on is playing the game not writing fanfic or discussing philosophy or any of that junk?

So, with any religion, I am going to expect you to RP. I personally like to play the game for RP and not PK, and I hope that the interactions I have done show some of my enjoyment and get others to give a try at taking their RP to the next step. Discussing Philosophy IS what following a religion is about .You are supposed to be the embodiment of my religion, if you cannot discuss the philosophy with me, how can I trust you to discuss it with anyone else?

For Ergush, I plan to not give out a Tatt until a good amount of time into the character. I am not assigning a time to this, because it is not a time based thing. There is no "Oh, XXXX is at 200 hours, time for a Tatt!"

So to be blunt on your question:

I do not expect floofy Emotes, Or Fanfic. I expect (but to not require) at least one role chapter explaining the characters backstory (I want to immteract with you guys, not read all damned day!)
I expect you to RP. This is an RP game, and not Overwatch. If you want to just run around and kill people and be rewarded for that by your Imm, DO NOT COME TO ERGUSH.

I hope that helps!

69203, At least you don't go dormant
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you Destuvius.
69204, RE: At least you don't go dormant
Posted by Deormdel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would just like to respond to this and remind everyone that while we are all very interested in this game and the players and our work, we all also have lives and families and things that we have to take care of on the side. Even Destuvius. I am sure he will be back as soon as he can.
69217, You can't believe I was serious
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even though you've been dormant for a much longer time and obviously took this personally :)
69220, Okay, that's enough
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We all had our comments, and I would like this tread to not run off the tracks. If you have some questions about the Ergush religion, please let me know so I can answer them!