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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectInvokers
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=68478
68478, Invokers
Posted by The-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wouldnt be cool if invokers had sub classes with focus on a singular elemental? Pyromancers, Geomancers, Hydromancers They have the elemental from the invoker spells and maybe some slightly more fighty skills etc.
68482, RE: Invokers
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If anything, I wouldn't "break up" the class, so much as just make spells beyond a certain point affinity-dependant. 0 affinity? You get like...4 spells. 10? Woot, you got like 20.

Two major issues with this are

1) Requires coding, obviously, which is at a premium at the moment, so a coder has to take a liking to this.

2) One frequent flaw with invokers is there's really *only* so many ways to set people on fire, electrocute them, drown them, etc. Look at the fire path. Use fire hand attack. Set one person on fire. Set everyone on fire. Set only the group you want on fire. Set the group you want on fire REALLY good, but only indoors. Set one person on fire so they don't stop burning.

Personally, I'd love to see some cooler cross-path stuff (sorta like scalding/chilling geyser), but that might be even more complicated to figure out.
68483, I don't think
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(And here I'll post what I really think) I don't ask for bonus from imms, you #### on me every char I play except one good guy (hope you do well, bro, best luck to you)

To all others

==I don't think that you have "personally", speak for youself.

You have no personallity, you are the shadow of ####.

Were you the REAL imm of the Village? No.

Intronan _ YES.

Abernyte _ (even if I don't like some of his whining ####) _ YES (try to go and defend 1 vs 3)

Kasty - Yes.

Thror - ..

Everyone who was there in Imm crey to say - NOT TO LOG OUT - But ####, go ####ing go. It wasn't you, it wasn't cheatere ysalorie, who asked others to camp outlander priets on their camp and still died. They are nobody, nobody remembers them.

Now, you are nobody, good luck with that, clown.
68485, What the sweet Christ...... Nt
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68486, I'm my bro, I'm am But
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you have to say something?

The village, should be the Village.

Like the Empire - should be the army.

But are too far away from the leading and army, you'll never understand that. ;)
68491, RE: I'm my bro, I'm am But
Posted by Lol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
deep - would you say that everyone is on some level their own bro?
68487, RE: Invokers
Posted by The-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah nah I was thinking more creatively than that like Invoker could still be a class, but each of those other classes would be more potent with those spells than like an Invoker. Maybe geomancer can summon short term stone golems, maybe the fire guy has some kind of rebirth spell, or other things like that. Maybe Aeromancers get a kind of fly to or something. Maybe you could do major/minor foci - I mean the majority of stuff is in the game, not like you would be reinventing the wheel in most cases :D Why dont a bunch of you learn to code? Its not difficult.