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Topic subjectMy rant; Bloody Shackles
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=6831
6831, My rant; Bloody Shackles
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I HATE these god damned things with a passion. I swear, there is no defense against them, and once they're on me, I'm dead. No two ways about it. I am dead.

As a Rager I cannot word or flee, so what am I supposed to do? I run, I die. I stand and fight, I die. The Vindicator blinds me and flees, then when I fight the Guards, attacks me again. if I re-direct he blinds me again and repeats.

I can't flee, I can't redirect, I can't play the defense and wait for the timer to run out or down, so they don't hurt as much, I can't do anything but pray I kill both Guards before he kills me. Which is not going to happen.

From an OOC stand point, they're blatantly overpowered. From an IC RP stand point, if these little scraps of metal are so effective, why isn't everyone using them?

Please, please! Do something about these things. Give them a chance to fall off during combat, or running, like Thief bindings. Make the intial rip hurt the most, then when the damage to the wrist is done, the damage from moving drops greatly. Make them harder to land, and place lag on them. Make a command like twist, which hurts like a bitch, but gives a chance to wreck them (a timer too so the Vind can't slap a fresh pair on). Anything, please.

I know every race/class has their foe that's near impossible for them to defeat. However the difference is most people can simple run, word, or port when this situation occurs, as a Rager, we cannot. I pretty much give my character away posting this, but these things drive me up the wall.

Sorry for the rant, and thank you for the game. :)

6867, RE: My rant; Bloody Shackles
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can only use them to start combat. Open with a dirt kick and keep him blinded and he cannot use them on you. Fight him like you'd fight a necro.
6834, Some notes on this.....
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a Rager, you have options to not get wanted. You have much bigger problems than bloody shackles.

If you can't handle tribs as a rager, I can't even fathom how you would fare as an outlander. Less buff powers, more direct confrontation with tribs, more reason to get wanted.

This post just really came off as whining.

Though I'll make an outlander and trade Strengthen for death blow or resist or critical or bandages or poultice or truesight or spellbane if you want.....

6835, The difference is...
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a Outlander I can simply say bloody shackles!? Flee, ouch! q teleportation. Wait till the timer lowers, and return.

As a Rager I am dead. If they gave the Vindicator a lag free 'slay Rager' command instead, it'd make no difference. Shackles land, I die, along with almost every other Villager.

And honestly, what Rager would not attack in town, unless you have a damn good RP reason, it's only going to remove a huge chunk of hunting potential, and a lot of fun.

Yes it was a whine, I said that at the start, but I like to think I at least have some founding behind it.
6836, Reason I called you out on it is....
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a rager, I always attack in town as well, but that is a choice. You are not *required* to fight in town. You are not at war with tribs. Therefore, doing things to get wanted when there is an active vindie is a conscious choice for a rager. You know the consequences, and if your rp allows you not to get wanted, you dont really have to. When I said ragers have worse things to deal with, I meant it. I mean, yeah bloody shackles suck, but as a rager there are so many ways that you can die.... Gaunted to arial city being the most obvious for non flying races, but there are others.
6838, RE: Reason I called you out on it is....
Posted by Tirach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ehh you can easilly get out of arial city if not flying... Granted youre high enough level. Just as a side not...
6839, I highly doubt you'll have time to go that route.
Posted by Cassman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're speaking of a combatative route. If you get gaunted to Arial City, the Conjie is ready to do battle, not sit around while you wade through six foes to escape.

If you're not, then I need to explore more, I guess.

6844, Isn't there this thing called sequester?
Posted by Drokk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am no expert on these matters, but I thought bloody shackles was a beefed up version of normal manacles. Normal manacles prevent magical transportation. The duration seems to be vary according to the tribunal's level, but I have seen 0-2 hour durations.

However, I agree that bloody shackles are very powerful. Fortunately only one person in the game gets access to the skill/power.

The best thing is not to get in the situation facing the vindicatorr and his guards in the first place. I can't think of much to do if you are a rager thief. But other classes seem to have many more options than the ones you suggested (run until death, staying put and die).

Good luck with your rager. It is a hard road as they say ;-)

6868, RE: The difference is...
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If every rager you know dies when they get shackled then that says a lot about the current batch of ragers rather than about bloody shackles.
6833, I know exactly what you can do.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't get wanted.