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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectCold Areas
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=6784
6784, Cold Areas
Posted by Isengrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While talking to another ex-mudder I was wondering why most of CF's mountains are'nt cold. Kinda weird that we have this nifty weather phenomenon thingmajig but its only in use in one or maybe two areas in the game. What gives?

On a second note.
Love the practice stuff, love the improved skills on higher level mobs. Love the lack of improvement on lvl 1 goblins. Don't love the fact that there seems to be a penalty on grouping and practice. Just me or do your skills go up much slower in a group? Warriors types that level to 25 with quiet on doesnt really do anything for the mud. Neither do Mages that are forced to look for perma-grops.

6800, RE: Cold Areas
Posted by Karakan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can think of a few mountains in Thera that are cold enough to freeze a player. The Jade Mountains and trail to the Frigid Wasteland comes to mind. It's really up to the area-writer's descretion if a mountain should be a cold sector or not, however.

>> Just me or do your skills go up much slower in a group?

There's a lot of things that affect how quickly you learn skills. Since you are (usually) killing mobs more efficiently in a group, you spend less time fighting so there is less chance to use skills. There's also factors such as morale, intelligence, and the good old random number generator to affect it.