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Topic subjectberserk - Healing or Damage
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=6742
6742, berserk - Healing or Damage
Posted by Soren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey There
Since I played my first warrior I've wondered about this skill. I personally use it mostly for the healing aspect it seems to become worse with level. It heals about the same amount of % but the timer on it gets longer with level. Ok, I thought perhaps it was just me so I did a very scientific pole on Dio's. Of the people that understood the question and answer 7 out of 8 uses it primarily as a way of healing. I posted this in the christmas-board for Zulg but wanted to hear what the offical stance was as well.

Perhaps change the timer, remove the healing, make a seperate healing skill, make it impossible to sleep when berserked. There are lots of options.

On a related note; I have always found it funny that when a group is sleeping, three warriors wakes up at the same time. Berserks with rage!!!! (WRAHHHHHH) - and then goes back to sleep for another 5 ticks.


Quick poll - (chose only one): Why do you use berserk? Heal or
Damage? nt - Soren_ 18:58:51 12/26/2004

Healage ownage nt - Gieldon * 21:56:35 12/26/2004
Heal. nt - Nivek * 21:55:32 12/26/2004
Heal. nt - Scrimbul * 20:37:55 12/26/2004
Heal nt - Death_Claw * 19:48:18 12/26/2004
Heal. nt - Master*DDD * 19:26:44 12/26/2004
Heal ~ - MayDay * 19:25:16 12/26/2004
Damage. - nais 19:24:15 12/26/2004
heal n/t - Blue_Thunder * 19:23:29 12/26/2004
6743, RE: berserk - Healing or Damage
Posted by Jhishesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uh, berserk is always 2xlevel.

And remember it also gives a good hit/dam bonus which also increases as you level.