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Topic subjectNew Races, New Classes and yes Edge point questions.
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67188, New Races, New Classes and yes Edge point questions.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pixies were mentioned as a race a few years ago. Will they ever be?

Witch Doctors were mentioned as a class for orcs (And now goblins)way back when they came out. Will it be coming in?

Dead horse but the edge point change has knocked my desire to play by an order of magnitude. I sort of need something new to pique my interest I can't maintain a character for long anymore and don't feel like interacting as much as I used to. I liked to customize my characters and the thing I enjoyed most was working toward edges as achievements. I find it to be impossible to build some things I had always wanted to try and never did. I think it is also impossible to get some edges now. The upper end Bird edges and the apiarist edge and the demi-elemental edges come to mind.

There are some very minor edges that I think would be handy if they were automaticly acquired.

Just a couple of examples:
1) Speak With Animals when you hero and master tame or your animal forms.
2) The invoker edge that let's you cast touches in combat whenever you have mastered a path. (For that path at least)

And finally, with Baerinika gone are custom race class combo's still possible?
67193, RE: New Races, New Classes and yes Edge point questions.
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Being size tiny, Pixies require some interesting work regarding gear. I would instead expect to see Saurians as the summer or fall seasonal race this year.

Witch Doctors would go to Orcs, Artificers would go to Goblins. Artificers are probably more interesting for me to finish at this point. I may tap a few folks to beta test them at low levels for me, so don't be surprised if you see some odd folk running around in-game.

I would fix bugs before writing new edges.

I've never been a fan of custom class/race combos. Maybe Twist can be bribed.
67197, Nice!
Posted by Goblin lover on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
May I volunteer for the artificer testing?
67228, I think saurian would be a sensible summer race.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I would like to see that race be Troglodyte. Just because of their inherent Stink Spray. That has a few nice effects.

And how would you pick beta testers for Artificers? I'm intereste
67280, Ysigrath races
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Think K'sra and Sz'weh; I'm sure others here know more about throwing a stink spray than I do...
67329, Saurian ideas.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not saying to use all or even some.

Slower metabolism (permanent survivalist effect).

Natural -AC affect. Essentially a the -armor spell.

Inherent ability to ingest/regurgitate spoils exactly like the orc skill.

Heal faster during day light then at night. (Mmmm lizard on a sunny rock mmmm)

Natural swimmer like Storm Giants but must draw breath.
67231, I wasn't asking for new edges.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was saying the new edge change has all but killed my desire to play. I litterally start to play, realize I won't be able to do what I want and delete. I have not hero'd since the change and I have had many heroes.

Nothing interests me about having a generic character.
67244, Re: Pixies. They are not tiny in game.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They are the same size as gnomes. Are they supposed to be tiny?
67279, tiny
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They would actually be smaller than Gnomes if implemented as a PC race for CF, which is both what makes them interesting and code-intensive.
67281, I for one have been waiting for these little guys for ever.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously. I have had a name ready for several years now.

I know nothing about code but it seems odd that the size would be the thing that messed with them. Couldn't you give them a permanent Dimunition effect?
67315, tiny equipment
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The issue isn't making the race tiny, but accommodating them with tiny equipment. My original vision involved allowing them to create equipment out of natural items (e.g., flowers or thorns or other natural objects), which only size Tiny creatures could wear; we would not have Pixies running around with red dragon armor or fulminator gauntlets. But that is not a trivial task.
67321, I would imagine they are more an RP race than anything how about...
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A druid_like restriction.

They cant wear armor unless its cloth or spidersilk like in the weavers cave south of Galadon.

And if they had a very low strength cap (10?) That would sort of naturally limit their wields and wears.

Also...maybe no wear on or wear about armor unless specific to pixies without losing fly. (If CF pixies fly)
67192, RE: New Races, New Classes and yes Edge point questions.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't get this mentality that the game is unplayable unless you can amass a crap ton of edges.

Was the game unplayable before edges were implemented?

Is it the ability to choose edges per se or the ability to choose "more than the other guy" that attracts you? For instance, if a fixed amount edge points were handed out every 50 game-hours, would that satisfy you? Or do you need to be "doing something" to get them?
67194, You can't go back in time.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That would be like saying "The game was great before legacies were introduced. You don't need them to have fun, so don't complain when we take them away."

Yeah, it was great before. Then it improved. Customization is a big deal. The more customization you can do, the more fun the game is for most people. Edges were a way to customize your character.

We got used to that level of customization. Then it got taken away. Taking away something that was fun, without replacing it with something that's as (or more) fun is a net loss. Ultimately, the change in edges made the game less fun.

Less fun doesn't equal no fun. The game is still fun, sure. It's still a great game that takes way too much of our time. But it's less fun than it used to be.

To answer your other question, I think it's fun to "earn" those edge points. I have no problem walking through Organia with every character "farming" edge points, just as I have no problem killing my ten-thousandth greater troll in order to level up. You do something vaguely repetitive because it makes your character stronger. That isn't a bad thing, it's the nature of the game.
67196, Nice!
Posted by Goblin lover on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
May I volunteer for the Artificer testing?
67230, This is exactly it.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Perfectly said.
67195, One key point you are forgetting
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quite a number of class skills were nerfed with the introduction of edges and the edges get the class skill back to where it used to be pre nerf.
67201, I've heard people say this a couple of times...
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've never heard of it. Where are you getting that information? What are some examples of skills that were nerfed when edges came in?
67217, RE: I've heard people say this a couple of times...
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lots of muter and conjurer spells got the shaft. It's safe to say most other classes were affected similarly.
67320, You can get an idea of what got nerfed by looking at edges that boost
Posted by -flso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

There is a ####ton of skills affected. Many of them arguably
useless or fun-sapping without the edge.
67336, Pretty sure that's just perception.
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Otherwise, you're talking like 70% of all useful abilities. I think more that you (and others) have just gotten used to picking certain "boost" edges so often that you've readjusted your perception of "normal" as being the edge-boosted level. I always have the trouble of never deciding what I want, so rarely picked edges, and I've never noticed any difference for the most part.
67360, Example: Cloud of wasps/mosquitos did get nerfed
Posted by -flso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and they get some, not all, of the way back to how they used to be
via the edge.

Of course the perception thing is a factor too, but there have been
plenty of nerfs (not necessarily at the same time the relevant edges were
introduced) that were later re-visited through edges.
67229, RE: New Races, New Classes and yes Edge point questions.
Posted by East_Rd_Trucker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I explained myself in the post. Read it.
67191, Honestly..
Posted by Tronimal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the sound of things I would be very surprised to see any of this for a long time, if not ever... since we have only 1 coder, who I am sure is swamped just with bug fixes.