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Topic subjectGround control perks
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=67146
67146, Ground control perks
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's common knowledge that during ground control, if it's face/ribs, then you have +1 pulse and resulting permalag, if it's elbow/shoulder you get maladiction and no extra pulse.

However analyzing several logs I have come to conclusion that in some cases you still get that +1 pulse even on elbow/shoulder ground controls (perhaps ground fighter/nage waza are at work here, I don't know). Can this extra pulse on maladiction throws be revisited and removed pretty please?

Example log:

67158, The log doesn't prove throw lag is broken.
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kanlax landed a bash which could have been 4 rounds. Also, if the assassin and Kanlax were above the emperor on the who list their commands would have gone through first. Per the help file throw is 2 round lag victim/thrower. If they were both above him on the who list, his invoke command would've gone through 3rd in the final round and the result would be what we saw.

Edit to add: If it were a four round bash, the throw wouldn't "add" lag to it, but I think anything that adds a "pulse" of lag a-la cheapshot or the strike to the ribs throw - might add that pulse to the initial bash lag?
67159, Read again?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He blocks a bash at least 2 rounds earlier. So even a 4 round bash couldn't still be lagging him.
67160, RE: Read again?
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did read it again.

I still stand by initial assessment, and because in the rounds both the assassin and kanlax are hitting first - they are higher in the who list. The evaded bash is 3 rounds after the initial bash. 4 rounds after the initial bash he gets thrown again (per helpfile is 2 rounds of lag sans ground control)

Which means, on the round he would've unlagged they both get their commands first (being logged in longer/who list) before his invoke command.

Here's the bit:

-wilderness (56%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
Ruqyrym throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Ruqyrym's throw MUTILATES you!
Extending your arm through his throw, Ruqyrym strikes hard to your ribs!
Ruqyrym knocks the wind out of you!
Ruqyrym's ground control MANGLES you!
Kanlax has a few scratches.

**2 round/pulse of lag**

-wilderness (37%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
Prasidia wields the severed tail of an electric eel.
You dodge Kanlax's piercing electricity.
You parry Kanlax's piercing electricity.
You dodge Kanlax's piercing electricity.
You parry Ruqyrym's searing light.
You parry Ruqyrym's claw.
A uniform gray sash glows a neutral gray!
Your symmetric strike MUTILATES Ruqyrym!
You parry Ruqyrym's searing light.
Kanlax keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Kanlax keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Kanlax has a few scratches.

-wilderness (37%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
You parry Kanlax's piercing electricity.
A uniform gray sash glows a neutral gray!
Your symmetric strike devastates Kanlax!
You parry Kanlax's piercing electricity.
You begin to get a feel for Ruqyrym's preferred attacking movements.
Ruqyrym's searing light DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Ruqyrym's claw.
You parry Ruqyrym's claw.
The right-hand stone in Ruqyrym's helm flashes brilliantly!
A rainbow of colors shoots out from Ruqyrym's paw.
A red beam of light hits you!
Ruqyrym's prismatic spray MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kanlax keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Your chop MUTILATES Kanlax!
Seizing upon a flaw in Kanlax's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick mauls Kanlax.
Kanlax has some small but disgusting cuts.

-wilderness (23%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
You position your body so that Kanlax's bash cannot succeed.
Kanlax has some small but disgusting cuts.
***evaded bash***

-wilderness (23%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>

**Assassin gets command priority b/c logged in first, Assuming helpfile is correct he unlags in 2 rounds**

Ruqyrym throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Ruqyrym's throw EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Controlling your fall, Ruqyrym painfully hyperextends your elbow!
Ruqyrym's ground control maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kanlax has some small but disgusting cuts.

-wilderness (12%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
You dodge Kanlax's piercing electricity.
You parry Kanlax's piercing electricity.
You parry Ruqyrym's searing light.
Kanlax keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Kanlax swings his polearm across your path, preventing you from closing.
Kanlax has some small but disgusting cuts.

-wilderness (12%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
Prasidia looks at you.
Kanlax has some small but disgusting cuts.

-wilderness (12%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
You parry Kanlax's piercing electricity.
You understand Ruqyrym's favorite defensive postures, and see his weaknesses.
You parry Ruqyrym's searing light.
You parry Ruqyrym's claw.
A uniform gray sash glows a neutral gray!
Your symmetric strike DISMEMBERS Ruqyrym!
You dodge Ruqyrym's searing light.
The right-hand stone in Ruqyrym's helm flashes brilliantly!
A rainbow of colors shoots out from Ruqyrym's paw.
A blue beam of light hits you!
Ruqyrym's prismatic spray decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You sense when Kanlax will strike almost before he does, and time your own perfectly.
Kanlax parries your corrosive slice.
Kanlax keeps you at bay with his polearm.
His feet aren't on the ground.
Kanlax has some small but disgusting cuts.

**he unlags this round, but the other 2 have command priority**

-wilderness (8%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
Kanlax tears your flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a Thunderlance!
Kanlax's slice DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kanlax has some small but disgusting cuts.

-wilderness (1%) (96%) (82%) -outdoor- (10 AM)>>
Ruqyrym throws you to the ground with stunning force.
Ruqyrym's throw DISMEMBERS you!
You have been KILLED!!

You become solid again.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Better stand first.
67161, No matter the priority
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2nd throw goes after missed bash, therefore third throw is clearly off the bash lag.
And third throw is past Glik's command, no matter the priority.

If there's no extra pulse from anywhere, Glik's command should've gone through.

I've seen the same situation in one of Nazarates' victim's log and was surprised by the very same fact. There were no bashes, and dude was permalagged despite getting maladict affect. I've seen this in TWO of Nazarates' SOLO logs (and commented on that).
67162, Yea, priority doesn't matter here.
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since that only affects things that should happen on the same pulse, and Glik should get a command the pulse before the assassin can throw again.
67181, I say this over and over again
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**Ruqyrym knocks the wind out of you!**

This is the echo when you get that extra pulse of lag. It happens, and you will see this anytime it does.
67163, You're confusing how lag and priority work..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What you're suggesting is that if you're at the top of the who list, you can permalag someone with un-edged, groundcontrol-less throw.

That is not the case.

Non-edged Throw works similar to trip except it's even more lenient for the victim. Trip always, 100% of the time (excluding external factors) gives the victim exactly one command before the tripper can try again. Throw actually gives the victim more time than that (ie, they can spam a few directions between throws). Always. Priority only applies in the case of a tie. There is no tie here.
67156, RE: Ground control perks
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a certain irony in Stsf dex build featuring as the victim in a log about op ground control.
67165, Well...
Posted by Assassin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The elbow hyper extension, if it lags at all, does so very rarely. Have had it hit on others lots and they seem to have no issue fleeing or getting commands through. I think the risk of permalag via throw/ground control nagawaza/ground fighter have either been fixed or are not as blanket as so many seem to believe they are.