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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectLikes
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=66370
Posted by Oldfag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really don't like criticism without constructive ideas to replace what is "wrong". I've posted previous topics in a destructive way for what I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be an ass.

So, here I have an offer how to reward RP (and other activities) and exclude our partially exclude imms from that process.

Id you have played LoL, the world most popular esport game, you should have noticed that after the game you may: a) report any player for bad behavior, our b) like player for good behavior. You may like player for: being good enemy; being useful; being helpful; being friendly.

So, let's make a command "like rp, pk, friendly, leader". Those likes work similar to immexp, and you may receive only one like from one player.

Also there could be command "dislike ooc, beg, toxic". Beg - reporting for asking to like.

You may think it could provoke cheating, that a couple of players may like each other. Yes, some players may have such agreement, but it's difficult to cooperate with 10+ preyers. So likes could also have milestones, such as 20,40,60,100 and etc (numbers are just for reference).

What wknd that give to the game? First, players would feel that they are affecting the game. Second, they would have a natural feedback from the game ecosystem, not just few imms, and it would be way more fair and objective. And it would simulate players to be better in 100% of times. Also, it would simulate players to buy PBFs, if likes and dislikes would be seen only there.
66578, I actually think this is good
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not the actual design, but as a decision making support infrastructure for imms. Many cool characters go below the radars because staff is scarce. This helps to address that issue.
66580, RE: I didn't think about it under such angle
Posted by wln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But if played would just like other characters, without giving any exp, and staff cloud see those likes (and dislikes), perhaps it could simulate them to snoop/reward those characters more often.

P.S. I've recovered my prev account, wln = oldfag, but sometimes forum keep switching me from one to another (even when ib an trying to login as wln).
66581, Worry not, I know all your accounts
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And your characters. And your whereabouts.
66378, So you rip me for saying almost this exact idea in response to your last post..
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then tout it here as a good idea? This is very contradictory and confusing.
66433, RE: So you rip me for saying almost this exact idea in response to your last post..
Posted by Oldfag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have offered a direct rewards, which I didn't like. Liking for certain activities is a bit different story, though I admit it's partially crosses with your idea. At the beginning I didn't see how it could be balanced and protected from cheating, but likes and dislikes can be (while direct exp giving us way more difficult to balance).
66375, RE: Likes
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I proposed allowing players to "mod" other players several years ago. The criticism of the idea is that it would be ripe for abuse. Some players would mod down anyone who killed them. Or anyone who looted "more than they should". Other players would mod up their RL friends. Etc.
66434, RE: Likes
Posted by Oldfag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's really easy to balance and protect against cheating. How many ooc friends do you have, five? Okay, let it be ten. Ifv all of them would like you, it still wouldn't be enough. And remember, playerbase is sensitive to such things and you would receive more dislikes for such cheating.

Everything else it's easy to counter too. Someone have killed you? You can't dislike him for some time (enough for you to calm down). And etc.

Likes world give a powerful motivation to play, interact and play with a good behavior.
66531, RE: Likes
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How many ooc friends do you have, five? Okay, let it be ten. Ifv all of them would like you, it still wouldn't be enough.

Given the player counts lately, ten likes might be pretty significant. But it doesn't have to be just ten. All my friends could roll up multiple characters and like me with each one.

And remember, playerbase is sensitive to such things and you would receive more dislikes for such cheating.

How would anyone know?

Someone have killed you? You can't dislike him for some time (enough for you to calm down).

So I just wait out the cool-down period and dislike him then.

I actually proposed a mod system several years ago. It had way more safeguards than you've built into yours, and it was still shot down for being susceptible to abuse.
66540, RE: Likes
Posted by Oldfag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, but it's easy to counter too via unique IP + characters age and if they did interact recently (you can't like or dislike someone without interaction). If there world be the main user profile that I've suggested a years ago it wouldn't be the problem at all.

>So I just wait out the cool-down period and dislike him then.

Most likely you wouldn't do it. Or you could have a global limit of dislikes and this would be a valuable resource.

Easy to abuse -it works in other places, beginning from games to some mass media, with votes and downvotes.
66584, RE: Likes
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IP restrictions can be circumvented. It's why the staff has such problems banning people. They get on proxy servers and come back.

Tracking the entire list of characters every character has interacted with is hard.

Easy to abuse -it works in other places, beginning from games to some mass media, with votes and downvotes.

Other mod systems are also frequently abused. Amazon and Yelp reviews, for instance.

I have some ideas about how to make a mod system "resistant" to abuse, but it's almost impossible to prevent entirely. Here's how I would go about it:

1. Tie mod points to "effort invested". You get one "mod point" at level 47, then another every 100 hours played starting at 300 hours. You only get the hours-related ones if you're at least level 47.

2. You need a minimum amount of role exp to get any points at all.

3. Staff can, at their discretion, "mod ban" you if they notice you acting like a jerk or if they suspect abuse. You don't get an echo when you're mod banned; your mods are just ignored and any past mods are removed.

4. You don't get your points back when someone you mod'd deletes.

5. You can only mod a given character once. When you do, you're able to leave a short comment. Only high level staff can see these comments

6. All your mods vanish when you delete.

7. A character is automatically "mod banned" if he has ever connected from an address that some other character has connected from more recently. In other words, you don't get to participate in the mod system if you play more than one character at a time.
66586, The current problem is...
Posted by wln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...with lack if ONE main user account that works be valuable. If users works have their main account, and characters would be created under that account, things would go sooooooo easier. Tracking alts, global scores, etc etc. And those likes would be not an issue at all.
66371, But you did mean to be an ass.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you're starting up another opportunity for you to bitch,troll, moan, and complain in the form of another shallow idea.

Just go away.
66372, Dislike Jalim toxic NT
Posted by Oldfag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
66436, +1 nt
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
66437, Pot, meet kettle.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM