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Topic subjectIs there a point to all the ropes?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=65658
65658, Is there a point to all the ropes?
Posted by Binder thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've tried holding them, wearing them, etc. Never seemed to make any difference. Meaning the rope items from Hamsah and from Underdark house.
65662, Ropes
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is an Enchanter spell that animates ropes into lesser golems. I would eventually like to make use of ropes with thieves as well, specifically for some quest actions and perhaps generally for climbing and binding.
65663, Thank you, a thousand times thank you.
Posted by ice king on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for sticking around, thank you for helping to keep the game going, thank you for posts like this. All of you on staff do not get enough appreciation. There's lots of players who are extremely thankful for everything you all do, what you mostly see are people complaining. Please don't forget a lot of us care, and are thankful.

65664, Hate does not exclude caring.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We all care about CF, passionately.
If we ever complain, it is because we care.
65666, I echo these thoughts exactly.
Posted by Wasted on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Been playing on and off when life permits for 15+ years and keep coming back because there's nothing else like it. So... Thanks again for a great game, IMM Staff.

I can also agree with Murphy that SOME complaints are because people would like to see this game thrive as it once did. Others, of course... it is a sense of childish entitlement that I hope you guys can look past and keep up your great work.

I try and lay low on the radar and not post much, but I definitely wanted to take a moment applaud your efforts and can't wait to see what this new age is bringing.
65674, RE: I echo these thoughts exactly.
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. If the community could somehow put a lid on the misinformation that gets generated to stir people up into a frenzy it would be helpful. But some people just like to watch the world burn, eh?

I was checking the pray logs this morning and came across two outbursts from a conjurer (whose name has been removed), the second one being:

10:02> Alright, now my dismissal doesnt work, perfected. I poured 500 mana into the spell
10:06> ####. My conjuration guild is being degraded before my very eyes. My circle would not protect me, later my dismissal spell, perfected, had no affect on a demon
10:07> even after I poured 500 mana into the casting
10:07> what the hell

Despite the fact that it looks like this player is arguing with someone, I was working in another window and missed these prayers. The only other immortal logged in (who couldn't hear prayers) pointed me to QHCF (reminding me once again why I avoid that site). That will prompt the following comments:

* Any files that would alter demon behavior have not been touched in years.
* I'm the only active coder and I have never touched that code.
* This is a complex game and SOMEthing might have indirectly impacted demon behavior, but "my conjuration guild is being degraded before my very eyes" is melodramatic.
* Whoever this jalim guy is should pull his head out of the sand; ill-mannered ignorance is unbecoming.

This is the kind of thing that makes me personally not want to work on CF. If you (generally) care about CF--in any sense of the word that Murphy might be referring to--then constructive data-driven criticism is far more likely to be heard than tantrum-like outbursts and baseless snide remarks.

I realize this in itself will be viewed as a trigger or microaggression by someone here (I suppose everyone has to be offended these days), but please think before you lash out. Presumably you are reading this forum because you enjoyed CF at some point in your life. A little positive interaction would go a long way.
65680, RE: I echo these thoughts exactly.
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are far more appreciated than you realize. Ignore the knuckle heads, they've been doing that exact same thing for years.

65682, Cosign
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Massive, massive cosign.
65689, RE: I echo these thoughts exactly.
Posted by Londesdale on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

65681, RE: I echo these thoughts exactly.
Posted by Retan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take this from some one who has a minor bit of knowledge in coding, and someone who has played since 1998:

You are by far one of the most mysterious, but awesome people that revolve around this game. You tirelessly work to improve a game that most people see as obsolete because, I presume, you love it. You take #### from people who do not even deserve to have access to replying to comments on the forums with you. Your IMM persona is so frightening and mysterious that players like me are to afraid of what will happen to even begin to try to dig into understanding you, and it is AWESOME to me.

Keep going man.
65683, RE: I echo these thoughts exactly.
Posted by Gaspare Gnazzo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are a lot of us who don't post much, if at all, on either of the forum sites. I hate to invoke the "silent majority" cliche, but I think it's apt in this case. There are a handful of people who act like fools and get their jollies by trolling and coming up with bizarre conspiracy theories -- like even the worst conspiracy in a text-based game would matter, anyway.

You open something up for free to the public, and you're bound to attract some noisy, impatient malcontents who are either not in a good place in their lives or simply will never be pleased. You wouldn't believe the complaints homeless shelters and hospitals get. Please don't let their hissy fits wear on you.

I've got faith that you ladies and gentlemen in IMM land are well-intentioned creative types who find an outlet in this game just as we do, and derive some joy from watching others play around in your creation and appreciate it as you'd hoped. You've given me many thousands of hours of fun (and at least a few hundred of pure rage) over more than a decade and I'll always be grateful for that.

One of my secret fears is that this game has become so embedded in my mind that when I get really old and my mind starts to slip, I'll start talking about Imperial coups and assassins stalking me. Everyone, watch for me on the news in about 60 years!

Thanks for keeping this thing running. I think?
65684, Your contribution has always been greatly appreciated
Posted by Drehir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for your efforts. I'm glad the game has you.
65685, I'm fairly certain you have the support of 90% of us, even if it happens to be the quieter people.
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haters gonna hate, yo.
65686, I agree with everyone else. (this Jalim guy)
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you're awesome.

You interpreted a joke as ill-mannered ignorance but that's fine. I can remember a couple of your big projects that ended up a little wonkey and was referencing that in an effort to be funny but I didn't realize you were so thin-skinned about it. My bad. I love you.
65688, Pretty sure the most vocal posters are just happy trolls.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most players keep quiet for the most part to avoid them I think and most, even when we disagree with some of the changes, appreciate the work put in to the game by both current and previous immortal staff. Don't let the loud mouths get you down.

I myself probably should take that same advice to heart, but it's difficult playing with so many overly aggressive players who get off on the PK aspects alone while having a lower player base. You end up just being the single target they continuously pick on because they have no other targets at the time to play with. Previously you'd at least find allies to group around or the enemies would have multiple targets to hunt.

Anyhow, thanks again for what you do and I'll probably be drawn in again sometime with whatever neat changes you are cooking up in the kitchen.
65694, This sounds dangerous
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
* First of all let me tell you that all of the people who post on forums are there in the first place because they love CF (me including, yay).

CF being result of your work means they love and care about your work, whether they realize that or not. This thing is important to keep in mind. Always.

* Second, there is a number of forum posters who enjoy communication, regardless of theme. Most of their posts involve jokes (often provocative), assaults, pranks and even insults - because those things trigger more communication. Of these posters on qhcf perhaps the most notable are (in alphabetical order): Demtok, dhargor, Frosty, jalim, Kstatida, MiyagiYojombo, Murphy, Rhyaldrin, Sam. If their posts makes you think "WTF?", it only means that the post was effective in provoking a reaction. Unfortunately you as an immortal can't reply on qhcf and call them assholes, therefore you can only feel frustration. The better option would be not to read qhcf altogether, because being unable to reply to ####posting, you drive your emotions off-balance and want to reply in some other fashion, which isn't good.

* Third. Being the only coder makes you overcommitted and emotionally involved. There NEEDS to be a secondary coder acting as buffer between implementor and players. Everyone will blame him and you'll be better off emotionally (and emotional state of implementor is REALLY important for the good of the game). So my advice here would be to find another coder if only to serve as a punching bag for players (you can even make it virtual person, that would also help, because you don't have to absorb negative feedback yourself).

P.S. Take that from a person with a daily job being connected with people hatred. Like whatever I do, I am being perceived as incompetent #### who should be (choose from fired to executed). The fact that I am really an incompetent #### being irrelevant, there are tricks to not have this situation turn you into an emotionless asshole or hate everyone, of which I have outlined a couple.
65697, RE: I echo these thoughts exactly.
Posted by Retan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just wanted to note that many people talked about the "silent majority", and as I look at the responses to this post I can see people I barely ever see talking. It kind of proves itself. Just wanted to make that observation. :)
65673, it's appreciated
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes it is good to have the more civil/appreciative players chime in. Thanks.
65668, This reminds me of a recurring nightmare I have.
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some strangers and I are running down a broad path in a poorly lit forest. At night. Every 30 seconds or so, a booming voice yells "Rope Test" and a noose drops from the trees and snatches one of us up. It's ####ing terrifying and yet I laugh when I wake up. I also get laughed AT, because my wife says I mutter "Rope Test" in my sleep.

I think there should be a Rope Test spell, instead of the whole golem thing.
65670, I think it's safe to say that CF as a whole
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
is a rape test
65671, I read this twice as:
Posted by Athioles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Some strangers and I are running down a broad on a path."
65675, That's kind of horrifying
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you can laugh about it, though!
65696, I probably shouldn't have said anything.
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've always dreamed of running a binder thief who yells "Rope Test" after every successful binding.
65659, RE: Is there a point to all the ropes?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have you tried typing prac, or skill or whatever displays base and adjusted percentage points for your skills?

It may be boosting them.

Even if not, I'd probably hold it and assume it helps. But that's just me.