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Topic subjectGaladon Merc experiment and further changes like it.
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64170, Galadon Merc experiment and further changes like it.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wondering how the staff felt the Galadon Merc change where they would count for exp went and if they have plans to further it. I'd also like to put in my own ideas to help with dwindling playerbase.

1. Make it so there are option for fortress/outlander/anyone to get mercs/pets somehow that count towards group exp and all such available count as the second/third.

2. Make it so that the group leader's pet/merc also acts in a certain role ONLY when the leader is not bloodied(no PK/Raid and 15 minutes after). This role would only work against NPCs and the role could be healing/single DPS, AOE DPS, tanking, utility. They also do about half the damage of a conjured, non mana, elemental of the same level. Again, these would only work against NPCs and not Cabal, PVP, guild guards.
So they would do a bit more damage than they currently do, but not a lot and would only be useful for ranking basically.

3. It would be cool if a mechanic were put in place so that leaders merc could be used to bridge a group so a level 40 could group with a level 30. It would encourage more grouping in a smaller playerbase.

Just some thoughts I had. I really enjoy the galadon mercs now because of the change and would just like to see more like them if nothing else. Thanks!
64274, Awesome change that makes lower ranks much less tedious. I would really like to see this expanded beyond Galadon.
Posted by Vonzamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would start with Grinning Skull Village, and go from there.
64275, And make those mobs orc/goblins
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With corresponding bonus :)
64171, Request for Feedback:
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, I haven't thought about that change since I made it.

So I'll defer to players:

Have you used them? What what levels? With what types of characters? In groups of two or three (including the merc)? Would you have taken a PC over the NPC if presented with the opportunity?
64173, Usually by myself with them at low levels.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its really helpful for ranking a mage, the dwarf has hp regen that is ridiculous. Sleep and healed up to full in a couple ticks. They are standard for lowbie ranking for me now for any non tanking class. They don't really come into play for any melee class that I'd be solo ranking anyway.

I think the goal was, lets give people more options for ranking non-tanky characters when there are only 4 people online, and this goal has succeeded.

Very much saves frustration of trying to level lowbie mage when alone.

Thanks again.
64174, RE: Request for Feedback:
Posted by stlucian1992 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes! I've used them, they're pretty helpful in situations they were used primarily before. Lowbie PK, or just a safeguard against being pk'd. The change made them very useful for learning as well.

Primarily I use them with shapeshifters, transmuters, and invokers. Lvl 10-20 I found them used primarily. I would always take a PC over an NPC just to assist with furthering the PC and it's more fun to RP with someone who can do so back.

I think it's an awesome feature.
64175, RE: Request for Feedback:
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can essentially use them to solo rank a char to hero when you can act as a tank. Galadon merc increase xp, other merc to slow gain if you are skill practicing. I tried them out and on a bard at least, they make solo ranking very easy.

The level caps are fine, you don't use them for dam output as much as you do the boost to xp at higher levels. But you still get enough of a boost that I would use them to hero when ranking. Always prefer a pc to an npc for ranking speed, but in a bind they are a great addition.

If you are a bard, transmuter, they are extremely useful since you buffing them makes them actually useful to a point even into the 30s. I imagine the same would go for healer, though their ability to increase merc dam output is more limited. Find np a that fight for crap at high level and they extra decimates add up since the npcs have so many hp later on.
64177, very useful in low ranks with a poor melee char
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They essentially doubled damage output and increased xp. It even made grinding lower level mobs ok because if the Merc lands the killing blow it calculates xp as if you were the mobs level.
64185, RE: Request for Feedback:
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Totally used them, up to 40th level. They don't work in groups of three though, or would've used them there definitely.

Always switched NPC for PC if presented an opportunity, merc is only giving you the exp bonus while PC gives actual help.
64191, Forgot about that one!
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I reported it as a bug once. Yeah, when the merc gets the killing blow you get crap exp which sucks...
64193, Why do you and others think they don't work with groups of 3? n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
64195, Yeah, I use them in groups of three all the time.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Umiron specifically stated they work for two PC + 1 merc fine.

64209, RE: Why do you and others think they don't work with groups of 3? n/t
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If they don't get a KB, I see no exp bonus (i.e. it is the same as with 2 PCs).

If they get a KB, noone gets exp at all.

Hence not working. This info is not recent. I think last time I was ranking with a merc was Karabo, which was quite awhile ago.
64186, RE: Request for Feedback:
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Younger mercenaries are fine. Although the leveling is much easier and faster with them.

But the giant mercenary is totally out of control.

Any class can easy solo do kill azuremain patrollers quest because this mercenary is very resistant and can rescue. He also sleeps to full health in just few hours.

It's also easy to kill higher level mobs with him, red dragon for example.

He can also carry a lot, and doesn't die easily.

I'm always using it. But decided to write it anyway since game balance is above everything else.
64190, You're just being silly here.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Giant merc is hardly better than a true group mate. Those things cast wands/fireballs that don't just hit the merc and the merc will die quick if you have it trying to tank. I used it, but I never had it rescue because it would simply die, and as such I only used it for the extra exp. Still did lose several of them there. This is with bard, conjurer, shapeshifter. Trust me, every time I would MUCH prefer a real player to help. Red dragon is soloable by any level 25 if they put the time and risk in, have lost giants to it too. If anything, they should be slightly stronger to be a fraction of the power of a real player helping in strictly NPC fights as I mentioned in main post to help with tiny playerbase that makes doing even normal stuff difficult or just agonizingly long for non melee players.
64188, Use them all the time.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In fact, this is probably my most favorite change to the game in the last 5 years. I've used them all the way to level 35-40ish. I've used them with both myself and with another player often. Would always take a PC over NPC if possible because they are much more useful and more RP/interesting, but that is rarely available in low and mid levels now days. Mind, I only use them with neutral and evil characters for the most part since goodies won't want to use an evil merc or slave and outlanders won't pay or enslave one.
64189, This is one change I truly loved.
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It helps with LL mages to get through those lower levels when no one wants to group with you because they're all trying to get parry/dodge/shield block to 80% before lvl 15.

64194, Galadon's mercs good
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've probably seen my post re the game becoming more solitary. I still think that needs addressing but whilst it doesn't solve the lack of social side, the merc does help a solo Mage player claw up those ranks. Although interestingly it's easier to rank a shifter out of form (can make yourself unhittable) than in form.
64201, I would almost always take a PC over a merc
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i mostly used them solo for ranking, but I also found use for them with dexy chars for carrying gear of the mobs I was killing to sell for coins. This way my dodge wouldn't get nerfed from carrying weight.

Main reason I would take PC is so my lazy ass has less commands to type 🙃