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Topic subjectPosting immortal playing times
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6402, Posting immortal playing times
Posted by Kah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was wondering if those immortals who have active religions and regular playing times could all post them in some central place. In my own experience, and based on reading good byes, having the same playing times as your god makes a huge difference if your looking for Immteraction.

I doubt people could abuse this too much, and if you're worried about that you can post some of your regular playing times and leave some a mystery.

Some imms have already done this its just hard to keep track of since things change.

I think followers and imms alike would like to share as much playing times as possible.
6403, I can give it a try
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok,I can give it a shot, but nothing is set in stone atm:
Until the 23rd of Dec: I can sometimes be found after 5pm any day of the week, even weekends.

After the 23rd of Dec: I'll be on a 4 day rotation starting the 23rd
ie: 23-26 working...then 4 days off. So you can sort of use that to look for me.

Of course notes work great when looking for me
6405, RE: I can give it a try
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe this wasn't what he was thinking, and if not, I'll suggest it anyways...perhaps this sort of thing could be moved to the History and Current Events board, stickied with the Cabal Leaders? I think it's of similar importance, and Imms could put as much or little information as they want...examples like...

Ordasen: Active, after 5pm (Last modified Nov 14)
Pico: Dormant Religion (Last modified Jan 1)
Khasotholas: Active, unreliable times (Last modified Nov 1)
Zulghinlour: Active, no information given (Last modified June 15)

Could also throw in the Immortals who haven't really "died" but vanish mysteriously, like Talia, etc, so people better know what the RP pantheon looks like, and stuff. Anyways, just my 3 and a half cents.