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Topic subjectHealers after NPC healing change.
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63763, Healers after NPC healing change.
Posted by stlucian1992 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just wanted to know the PB and IMM's thoughts on the whole healing change. If they think it's been positive and exactly how they envisioned or not quite hitting the mark.

For instance it's probably safe to say the numbers of healers at a given time now have dropped pretty low. Healers who of which used to be considered a boon to any cabal and cabal wars. Due to their utilitarian value and ability to turn the tides on defending and raiding.

Also what are the thoughts on the facts that right now herbs and altruism can be more effective forms of healing now then a healer once could unless they use their mass healing. I understand not allowing all PC's to be able to heal efficiently but it's odd that healers would be crippled in that way.

Was healing NPCs hurting game mechanics that badly to have it botched in its entirety? I thought it was always a fun role in cabal wars to have the goal of keeping your home and cabal guard safe when your cabal mates may be out fighting another faction. Or that to kill the support char made raids/defenses that much easier.

It's just an opinion so please don't crucify me but I think it's hurt cabal wars in some ways. Or at the very least the full spectrum of the healer class.

I'd love to hear people's thoughts, thanks again.
63765, RE: Healers after NPC healing change.
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>For instance it's probably safe to say the numbers of healers
>at a given time now have dropped pretty low. Healers who of
>which used to be considered a boon to any cabal and cabal
>wars. Due to their utilitarian value and ability to turn the
>tides on defending and raiding.

The number of healers rolled that made it to level 51 in the year since the change is down about 30% (adjusted for population) over the year prior, not that I think that has a whole lot of relevance as a statistic. This change *could* be a factor, as could other things like a much weaker wizlist.

Your statement about healers being a boon to a cabal are accurate I think, but also kind of the point of the change.

>Also what are the thoughts on the facts that right now herbs
>and altruism can be more effective forms of healing now then a
>healer once could unless they use their mass healing. I
>understand not allowing all PC's to be able to heal
>efficiently but it's odd that healers would be crippled in
>that way.

You're off your rocker with regards to herbs. Altruism is powerful, but even an Acolyte Archonjurer can't keep up with a healer and that tactic certainly comes with more in the cons column. Anyway, in practice we haven't seen this be a problem which is really all I care about. If it becomes a problem then we'll worry about it.

>Was healing NPCs hurting game mechanics that badly to have it
>botched in its entirety? I thought it was always a fun role in
>cabal wars to have the goal of keeping your home and cabal
>guard safe when your cabal mates may be out fighting another
>faction. Or that to kill the support char made raids/defenses
>that much easier.

I described what we thought the problem was and why we thought the change that was made was the right solution. I also think these role examples sound perfectly fine and this change wasn't specifically implemented to make those things difficult, but at the end of the day they sort of do amount to the kinds of characters that (innocently enough) ended up being the mechanical problem we were trying to solve, so sorry about that.
63768, i, for one, love the change.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nothing worse than freaking zargu playing the same dark-elf healer with black channel + troll amulet + slow item making it impossible to do anything in terms of retrievals. ugh.

(zargu is GOOD, not hating the player just the masochism of the build and his talent with it)