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Topic subjectAre the imperial sects a little too cozy?
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6330, Are the imperial sects a little too cozy?
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll preface this by saying I've only had one imperial in neo-empire and didn't go very far, so my perspective is that of an outsider looking in. But...I was always under the impression that the various sects should virtually be at each others throats and any cooperation should be the exception, not the norm. Perhaps that is indeed the case internally, but outwardly it doesn't seem that way.

It isn't that uncommon to see sects working together to randomly PK (summoner/thief being one of the deadliest pairs in the game, makes sense from a power gaming perspective), PK known enemies, or out ranking together.

As I understand it, the old empire went out because players just weren't "getting it". So, I have to ask, are they still not getting it now?
6333, My take
Posted by Urog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is quite a bit of internal politics and hatred between, inside, and against sects and Imperials/council members/Emperors. As far as random PK, speaking for most of the older, more established members, the PK is clearly defined and purposeful. There are also quite a few new players and beginners that enjoy the simple induction appeal of the Empire; they may not always understand the finer, more selective goals of their positions. This does not put the blame squarely on them, there are times when even Emperors err. The true test comes in how you handle your mistakes and how they reflect your character's ideals.

Sect politics and proper behavior are encouraged by both mortals and Immortals to ensure that Imperials are working with and against each other as needed. As always, if you don't understand something, you should try it before you knock it. If your opinions are clouded by seeing a snippet of something taken out of context, I can understand where you would be coming from. If, however, you honestly believe that we're a happy-happy organization with fundraisers and socials and square dancing then feel free to make a change IC, internally or externally.

6335, The more straightforward question is...
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're supposed to be at each others throats and all that, then how come 5man gangbang teams are spontaneously created at the drop of a hat with little or no real need to actually get together, other to gank the living #### out of whoever is on eastern road?
6336, A straightforward answer.
Posted by Urog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because someone incurred the wrath of the Empire to warrant that action.
6341, Or....
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like today...

In the case of Empire vs. Village action.. the Village
held the Codex. Of course the sects are going to work
together until the Codex is recovered.

Sometimes there will be an overriding goal which will
cause more cooperation than usual.

What most of you don't see, is that even in a group of
three or four, that tension is still there. Bargaining
for spells or supplications, and so forth.

Even after all that has been said, there are times when
there is too much cooperation. Trust me when I tell you
we watching for this, and will take action when we feel
it's warranted.


6411, RE: The more straightforward question is...
Posted by v_vega on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"If you're supposed to be at each others throats and all that, then how come 5man gangbang teams are spontaneously created at the drop of a hat with little or no real need to actually get together, other to gank the living #### out of whoever is on eastern road?"

I never saw much cooperation between the sects, I remember this one fight when me, Wojif and Saayayse were roaming osrendelle fields and Acaga and Iborenn showed up and threw themselves at us. I sang a few songs but soon realised that I wasn't going to risk my skin against a thirsting Acaga with a drow sidekick. So I did a flee and fiend and walked away, Saayayse died and a certain young shaman told me I was a completely useless pieceofcrap "since I wasn't able to keep Saayayse alive". Now I could have probably stuck around long enough to have Saayayse surviving but I saw no reason what so ever for it, since him living wouldn't help me much, hell I could even had worded him or groupteleported us out, but why waste preps on a shadow? On the other hand I could've decided, hrm Saayayse is worth wasting some preps to keep alive, since he then can be my meatshield if they come raid and therein justifying me rescuing him. What you often miss as a none-Imperial is that they are (most of the time)at war with everyother cabal and allmost every uncabaled char, this making you constantly hunted, which is often solved among the imperialranks by walking together. It seems that most of all anti-Imperials biggest beef with the Empire is that they don't feel just as safe on eastern as they did before the Empire came back, there is such a simple solution to that problem good sirs, choose to not walk down the eastern.
Now to those mid 20s ganks with 5 imperials behind centurions, how often have you seen them, really? and if they occur all the time, why don't you just keep away from eastern and let them sit there and rot doing nothing productive at all, while you make new allies/rank/gather gear and preps (preferably all three) and then combining the three things I mentioned to strike them down.
