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Topic subjectFavorite Followers
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62736, Favorite Followers
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to hear all current, former, dormant, whatever Immortals chime in and say who their favorite followers were.

Whether this means who "got" the religion best, or was just the most fun to hang out with is up to the individual.

Hopefully this leads me to reading a bunch of PBFs.

62749, No favorites of those enshrined in the grotto.
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked them all.
62841, RE: No favorites of those enshrined in the grotto.
Posted by Polmier (Gilut) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had to stop by to see the statue again the other day.

I appreciate the honor greatly. You are a great immortal from a roleplaying standpoint and interactions with your followers.

Keep doing the good work.
62742, No surprises here heh.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The best followers were usually the ones who could hold it down
both RP-wise and PK-wise because when you weren't shootin' the
#### in the shrine, you could watch 'em bust balls.

Not surprising to anyone:

Garwern, Grawshen, Hunsobo. Yikoti was the one who really helped
me realize what sort of IMM I wanted to be from an interaction
standpoint, so he gets a nod too.

I didn't have as many Padwei followers just because of the limited
restrictions on the religion, but I'll throw Gurzgred and Merrol
into the ring on that front.

With Shaz, lawd that was a long time ago. I'll go with Janakt since
that's the only name popping into my head right now. But also because
he was awesome.
62748, RE: No surprises here heh.
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I didn't have as many Padwei followers just because of the
>restrictions on the religion, but I'll throw Gurzgred and
>into the ring on that front.

Thanks. That means a lot!
62822, I enjoyed Padwei..
Posted by Raltevio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a not-so-memorable paladin of yours. The interactions were great fun. The steamrolling by Ahtieli, Kostyan et al. not so much;)
62741, Been very fortunate with my followers.
Posted by Raltevio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All of them have been absolutely top notch, as have the various characters in proximity to the religion.

Gaspare, Yentral, Whildur, Miakoda, Bildot, Izana, Dionis and others.

Just a shame that I live in a European timezone. Makes catching people at peak really rough.
62747, A little surprised to see me here.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Izana I felt pretty awkward with you after the initial interaction. Didn't feel like you thought I fit in. I really was hoping to do some stuff in game, but since getting married I seem to be more and more only able to play games that have pause and saves so I can play them a little bit at a time and walk away at a moments notice... Either way I do hope you enjoyed my character a little. Also, it's funny they you are European Timezone because so am I!
62821, The character was memorable.
Posted by Raltevio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My hours have just been super erratic. I enjoyed the shadow cat angle and I still have that drawing of a cat from you.

Obviously it's tough to be a non-Herald in what is/was predominantly a Heraldic religion.

And yeah. Euro timezone is rough. 3-5AM on a Sunday night is peak time.
62739, Well, since people hate Jormyr
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It pretty much amounts to Lilyth, and Varnon. However, my religion's a lot about just getting out there and mixing it up. Nydfeldt and Yuno were both tough for me to really get into due in part to their being shapeshifters, and in part to poor hours matching up.

Otherwise, I've had a handful of invoker followers (or invokers Jormyr's terrorized into "worshipping" him), and a handful of shamans. Jormyr's weird opinion towards invokers hasn't really settled down smoothly, but I've actually very much enjoyed nearly all of my shaman followers. Sadly, none of them seem to have really stuck around into higher levels.
62740, RE: Well, since people hate Jormyr
Posted by Varnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really think more people should give you a try. If you are into pk than Jormyr is great.

The key is sticking with him as sometimes matching hours is a bitch.
62745, Jormyr is the best
Posted by Gromm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You get tattooed without talking to him ever, chaos as it should be.
62842, RE: Well, since people hate Jormyr
Posted by Polmier (Varnon) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow the bar is pretty low when I made the cut.

Thanks again for sticking with Varnon. You kept guiding me and I appreciate it. While I want the tattoo either way, I must admit I was a little dissapointed it had no "rewards". Perhaps I just did not do enough to earn them. Either way cool immortal and I will be back. You are a great addition (maybe you were another immortal before and I just do not know it) to the imm staff. Keep doing the good work.
62843, RE: Well, since people hate Jormyr
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, given Jormyr's only been around a year or so, there's not much to pick from! Maybe in time I'll kick Varnon to the curb, mwahaha!

Also, since I'm pretty certain my tattoo was the one referenced by someone's question awhile ago, and you're mentioning it as well - No, the tattoo doesn't have any powers, and no it wasn't because you didn't do good enough to earn them.

Originally, I had powers in mind, but I more or less made them be way too complicated to be worth coding. At the time, I figured I'd just roll out w/o powers, and once I had stuff redesigned, ask to have them set up. I may still do that sometime in the future.

However, once I got rolling, I found I rather enjoyed not having powers associated with my tattoo. To some degree, this makes me a little more willing to hand it out on a whim since obviously no-one's following me just to powergame it. Secondly, since my tattoo has no intrinsic rewards, I generally feel more comfortable rewarding characters with character-appropriate rewards as appropriate *coughthirdlegacycough*.

Ultimately, I feel that it creates a bit of a unique experience following Jormyr that is very fitting to his alignment.
62854, RE: Well, since people hate Jormyr
Posted by Polmier (Varnon) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Following Jorymr was a fun, rewarding, and great experience.

I will be doing it again.

62737, Some of my favorites
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quintaris: he took some lumps based on religion vs Empire conflicts but took them right on the chin and kept going without batting an eye

Zerliae: was a Paladin who followed Dest and on a few different occasions put on an RP clinic with other pallies about why the code better applied to Dest religion than their gods

Jarlduz: nuff said

Ashmon: he was one of the first people to take the idea of the "higher form of civilization" like sculptures and paintings and what not and run with it under Dest religion

Ergoth: he was my first real follower and he did a lot to actually help me through the process of how to respond and try not to back people into a corner through interaction and such.
62743, This was a terrible idea for a thread
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now I feel rejected because Saguntius didn't make the list. I gathered like 5k for a statue of you!
62746, woooo! Ive left my mark!
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Zerliae, in case ya'll forgot