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Topic subjectCoins and a new coin command.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=6261
6261, Coins and a new coin command.
Posted by Sattler005 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a druid, who i wish to get into the outlanders. I have
talked to alot of people who are outlanders or wish to be
outlanders. But you cannot always travel with them, for
instance; tonight, i was with a transmuter, and a ranger,
neither of whom wanted to lose coins. So they would not stop
autosplitting, for they both wanted coins, and they kept
giving them to me. So, what i suggested to an immortal was
something that could get rid of this. They suggested something
like nocoin, and told me to post it here. I was thinking this
would stop you from getting coins/reciving coins from the
bodies or from your group. 
6273, RE: Coins and a new coin command.
Posted by Sattler005 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it would seem that my suggestion has had a good
response. But will it be a command? I would imagine, which
someone else has stated as well, that it would not be hard to
implement into game play, because it doesn't really change
anything, it is more of a convenience factor. Most people I
have spoken to seemed to be for this idea...
6266, RE: Coins and a new coin command.
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your idea isn't a bad one. However, that said, there is really
nothing wrong it just accepting the autosplit and periodically
dropping the accumulated coinage and sacrificing it.  You
could even have an RP take on it that you prefer to take your
"share" so you can destroy it, as opposed to letting
your groupmates accumulate greater wealth  - by reducing their
share, you are reducing their reliance on civilization - or so
such a character might perceive it. (Of course, insisting on
no autosplit is a fine approach, too.)

Outlanders do receive some minor "encouragement" for
being coin free at all times, however, this has stemmed into
the belief that they must never let a coin touch them. As long
as you aren't *using* the coin or accumulating huge numbers of
them, and as long as you are destroying coins you aquire at
every reasonable opportunity, there is no horrible marr on
your character for simply for having very small amounts of
autosplittage on your person for short periods of time, as
long as you destroy the coins instead of using them or giving
them away.
6267, I agree with what you said. But...
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This sort of an nocoin command cant be hard to code, but will
take away some of the annoying. It you are dedicated to having
no coins, it quickly becomes annoying to ask your groupmates
to not split coins. Its minor, but its annoying. To remove
(semi)annoying stuff that has no effect on game balance or
anything in fact, besides the enjoyment of the person playing.
Its one of those things that should be implemented, it will
please quite a few people playing outlanders. I assure you.

Just make it a choise if you wish to accept coins instead, so
you can destroy them.. as you said as a roleplay thing.
6265, RE: Coins and a new coin command.
Posted by Parick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this would be a pretty neat idea, i dont normally like
to give up coins and all, but it would be a good idea from all
my group mates getting mad at me for spliting coins to them
and such
6264, Sounds likea good idea nt.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
6263, RE: Coins and a new coin command.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This could possibly be a side-effect of "nogive",
i.e. if someone else kills a mob and tries to "give"
you your share of the coins, you simply refuse.

This might pose a problem for people who run around with
nogive on permanently for fear of poison thieves.  Maybe
losing their share of the loot is the penalty for that level
of paranoia.
6275, Better (n/t)
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
6262, RE: Coins and a new coin command.
Posted by Sattler005 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, I was also thinking that it could split up the coins
equally between the other members as well.