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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectImm, can you please...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=62349
62349, Imm, can you please...
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Add the echo if you reject the follower?

Both of us know, that some of you hate some of us in OOC way. Lets just not waste your time and our time?

I got a bit tired from all that #### aka I pray, then logout, then that sad Imm go vis. Repeat 7 days in a row.

Repeat with three different Imms.

I roll the char, and try to become the follower of the Imm. If that Imm rejects me - I just will not waste my time. Delete, delete. Whats the problem to add that echo?

Thank you.
62350, RE: Imm, can you please...
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We don't need a "reject follower" button. If an Immortal is making the conscious decision to not engage someone praying to them, they should provide some indication to the character as to why, eventually. That could be a tell, one or more echoes, a dream, etc.

My advice to you would be:

If you're having trouble, try conducting a post-mortem after you delete and email the Immortal and ask what went wrong. Likewise, do a little brainstorming on your own. Review your role and prays and verify that you're giving your Immortal enough to work with (why you follow them, what you might want, etc.).

Also make sure the Immortal you're looking for is "Active" on the wizlist.

And lastly, if you think an Immortal is ignoring you specifically because you're Suchaperson player (which is almost certainly without question a moronic thought), you can always email the Imps and say, "Hey, I think Soandso might be treating my unfairly. Can you take a look?"

But to answer your question: No. We're not implementing that feature.
62351, RE: Imm, can you please...
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, thank you for the answer.

=If you're having trouble, try conducting a post-mortem after you delete=

So just delete and send the mail? Ok.

As for "Suchaperson" - I had it going for ten years at least. Why do you think I liked Eshval or Kasty? Because they were cool and didn't care if that russian or not. I never ever got the empower from other imms (exception - Yean, but I think he/she was drunk at that moment :P )

62352, RE: Imm, can you please...
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>First, thank you for the answer.
>=If you're having trouble, try conducting a post-mortem after
>you delete=
>So just delete and send the mail? Ok.

Do whatever you want. I didn't advise you to delete, I advised you of what to do after you decide to delete.

>As for "Suchaperson" - I had it going for ten years at least.
>Why do you think I liked Eshval or Kasty? Because they were
>cool and didn't care if that russian or not. I never ever got
>the empower from other imms (exception - Yean, but I think
>he/she was drunk at that moment :P )

Don't know, don't care. Again, if you think you're being mistreated then take recourse the appropriate way.
62353, Wow, easy. Lets just stop here. I still think the "reject button" will be nice. Whatever n/t
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62360, First empowerment
Posted by crsweeney on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I think it is perhaps possible that you are misinterpreting the scenario here.

If you are pursuing an active imm and not getting a first empowerment interview. It really is unlikely it is a personal vendetta against you.

You are doing the following:
Picking a sphere which is listed as one of those the imm empowers
Leveling to 10+ in an empowerment class
Writing a role that makes it clear who you are and somehow relates to their religion/sphere?
Having a descriptive description fitting the game theme

Praying in a respectful IC tone matching that of you character speaking to an entity capable of crushing you like a bug? Then waiting 10+ minutes in the appropriate location/shrine?

I've done the above probably 8 times in the past 3 years, even if I knew nothing about the gods religion going in, I've yet to not be empowered for the first step, or at the least encouraged to "do x" to prove my worth/understanding. IF and only IF I took the time to find that immortal online.

I've had to email three different imms in that time to arrange times that matched up, but on each occassion the imm responded and we worked it out OOC to get a time that lined up. Empowerment is NOT a right of anyone who plays this game, it's something that is supposed to make the RP experience better. Remember even if you see the imm online, they may have actual Imm business going on, other than dishing out the empowerment.

So I guess I'm saying - I think the odds are if you are not being a giant douche in game/ignoring the suggested path to get empowered, you may find that emailing an imm to setup an empowerment time yields better results than praying a couple of times and then deciding people don't like you.

62362, I think there is a misunderstanding. Not sure why you're replying to Umiron with, "Wow, easy."
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He hasn't posted anything that would warrant such a reaction. What he has done is objectively given you options and then clarified what he meant in response to your question.

Just my two cents.
62376, RE: Imm, can you please...
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The thing that has always gotten to me about empowerment is the potential to fall through the cracks without ever knowing why.

More than once, I've chosen to follow an imm just before they disappeared (Raisa & Bria come to mind). In that case you do what you think are all the right things but hear nothing back in response. In cases like this it would be helpful to know whether or not I'm being ignored due to some failing on my part, or the imm I'm trying to reach just isn't around.

Granted an accurate wizlist letting people know that someone has gone dormant goes a long to fixing this, but I still think there are gaps in the process where feedback can be too sparse or absent altogether.
62378, Bingo n/t
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62382, RE: Imm, can you please...
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Immortals already have tools (echoes, notes, and more) to communicate that they for some reason don't intend to empower you or are otherwise waiting on something, or whatever the situation is. We don't need a special button for "I'm ignoring you, and optionally, here's why" because that wouldn't get communicated to you any sooner than the existing alternatives would. Likewise, if the immortal in question simply isn't active then their wizlist info should reflect that.

If an immortal is deliberately ignoring you then they should somehow communicate the reason why. (in almost any case, at least). If you aren't getting their attention for any other reason, then there are steps that can be taken after an appropriate amount of time has gone by.

And I agree, the wizlist should preemptively solve these problems 95% of the time.
62383, Here's an idea.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What about adding a feature similar to the coverage or presence calculation in cabalwars for the wizlist.

Hopes might not be so dashed if people could see that Umiron has only been present 1% of the time in the past week and hasn't been seen in 127 hours.

62384, RE: Here's an idea.
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's been proposed and discussed before. Ultimately, the consensus amongst the staff is that we'd rather not have players knowing that. Various staff members have their own reasons.

The wizlist status thing should be good enough so long as staff are keeping it accurate (i.e., indicating that their availability is limited, etc.), but unfortunately not everyone does.