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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectYou say spam practicing isn't required but...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=6222
6222, You say spam practicing isn't required but...
Posted by Curious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It really is in some cases. How about laying off bards needing to perfect sing before they can learn a capella and the rest of their songs. Sure sing goes up pretty normally and it's usually in the range of being perfected by 30, but most people take some time out and do some spam practicing of cold be sleep and sometimes other songs. I look at this as similar to how you used to need shield block way up there as a shield paladin, or you used to have to master shapeshift spell before you got the skill as a shifter, so I figured since those things went away, maybe you would consider this one too. I tried ranking up my bard with no spamming at all. I got to level 30 in about 35 hours (which isn't slow but is by no means power-ranking) And my sing is only in the low nineties. I've spent a few hours spamming and it's gone up some but still not quite done. Anyway, I'm just trying to play and have some fun and Neither spamming for hours, nor not being able to get my new songs really fits into that category.
I'd like to propose that bards just get their skills and song and have them available to them like shapeshifters, instead of being forced to spam if their unlucky and don't have sing mastered. Barring that, maybe the threshold can be lowered to 90% instead of perfect. Thanks for considering it.
6223, Agreed and supported
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Make Acapella a level-based skill and not dependant on sing to be perfected.