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6145, Outlander Bartering
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Outlanders need a way to barter for multiple items, make it a high lvl power or something. Please?
6173, RE: Outlander Bartering
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As one who has played many Outlanders, I really don't find this to be any great deal. Granted, some Outlander characters need to barter more than others do, but the abstained use of coins is the way I prefer it. Even when I make a new character without the cabal in mind, I usually shun money for one reason or another. There are just too many ways around its need to actually be of any use. I've played warriors, and know there are warriors within the cabal, that get along just fine without the use of the all-important detect invis preps and such. Perhaps that was what the immortals had in mind, too. As it stands, being invisible is just about as useful as infravision is.
6174, RE: Outlander Bartering
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No offense but you're smoking the purple crack if you don't think warriors need detect invis, fly, enlarge, reduce, faerie fog, etc. Also from what you've wrote you've never played a class in Outlander that had to rely on these kind of preps. I can't count how many times a group of mass invis'd imperials have ganked suckers who couldn't see them. Invisablity might be as useful as infravision to the players who can see it, but if you can't see it it's the kiss of death. Ever wonder why Ragers were given the ability to detect invis even without the head? I'd also like to add, not matter what people/Imms say it's just retarded that you can only barter a 100,000 gold kings crown for one pie.
6171, Qaledus already answered this to my post as follows:
Posted by Mordacai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Has anyone given much thought to allowing a player to barter >for several items with one single item that is worth the >multiple items?
It has been considered, but is so low priority that you're not likely to see it any time soon. Trading items one for one is simply how things are in Thera, and while in the real world you could trade a diamond ring for lots of things, in Thera that's just not the case.
Also, because that's the case, trading a diamond ring for something like a pie may seem like a stupid code limitation to you as the player, but to the character it is simply an exceptionally bad trade or one of desparation.
6175, RE: Qaledus already answered this to my post as follows:
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm saying up the priority because it is a huge pain in the ass of Outlanders. Especially certain classes that play it. I'm not sure if the Imms think this is a fun challenge for the cabal, I find it a time consuming annoyance and I gurantdamntee I'm not the only player who thinks so.
6149, This might be a good incentive.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The main reason I've heard for not playing outlanders, expecially among the so called elite players, is the no-money policy and the following bartering. If outlanders was allowed to barter for multiple items from druidic shops, things would be much better. Because honestly I cant even imagine playing a warrior, that is required to barter or pick up every single detect invis\flight potion. These are the two "required" preps, which any warrior will want.
It should not be all to hard to figure out something to balance out things, so you get what you deserve when you barter items of high value.
6148, Totally agreed and supported nt
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Outlanders need a way to barter for multiple items, make it a >high lvl power or something. Please?
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