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Topic subjectRagers and magic.
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61225, Ragers and magic.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is a discussion on the main board from a question I asked and it seems different people have different opinions on it so I thought I'd ask for an immortal perspective on it.

Ragers hate things that are magic. They don't use pills or potions to fly or wear gear, even charred bracers, with magic flags. I was asking about using key phrases that activate magic or using portals(which envelope the entire character in magic to transport them and is an obvious action of using it) and this is where people differ on opinion. Is there an offical immortal stance on this or is it more of a let the players decide if their character is fine with an ends justify the means sort of play? Thanks!
61240, Discussion
Posted by Verathi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is a little bit of discussion that has originated from this, so for now I'm tabling giving my say and will come back to it later.
61241, To be fair, I hope the answer is that portals can still be used...
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
at least in some manner. Since not being able to use them would block a rather large swath of the game. I've also been told that things like seaweed or ok while things like berries that have curative properties are not ok. I'd think things that are natural, but happen to have curative properties, should be ok. Then again, maybe they are hard coded to be spells.
61235, See... the thing is...
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Magic itself isn't inherently bad. Magic is a thing of the gods and the gods should be the only ones to wield it. Magic being wielded by mortals is bad because it is a power that no mortal should ever control and thus the ragers purpose is to keep magic from mortal hands.

Now, the point of contention is that there are things that are magic that ragers maybe should/shouldn't use... seaweed, portals, etc... My point here is that those things could very well be created by the gods as part of Thera. Was Thera not created by the gods and thus the things that are magic in Thera were put there by the gods whom should be the only ones manipulating and wielding magic? Thus those things that are magic and put on Thera by the gods themselves, would these not be considered all well and good?

Yeah, so uh, ragers using natural Theran magical things put in place by the gods is all well and good!
61230, Hard "no" from a non-BATTLE imm.
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

If I were playing a purist rager, I would not make use of those portals. I probably wouldn't use the ship from Enpolad's either, nor would I use seaweed.

If I were playing a rager that wanted to see how much he could get away with, I would do all of those things knowing full well that there could be consequences.

What, if any, consequences exist is the point in question. Sorry that I can't be more helpful.
61231, Thus the dangers of an IMM speaking to something they don't actually know about...
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You specified you aren't a battle imm and don't have experience directly with the question being asked, offered a response that directly contradicts the stance stated by Battle Imms in the past, and further diluted and confused the situation on the whole. So now the anti-rager crowd will yip and howl and shout 'see we were right!'


I totally want to see you pull off a rager that doesn't eat seaweed or go to the past now.

61233, That's a thing
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is one that doesn't seem to go to the past at least.
61236, I apologize if I caused/will cause confusion.
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You specified you aren't a battle imm and don't have
>experience directly with the question being asked, offered a
>response that directly contradicts the stance stated by Battle
>Imms in the past, and further diluted and confused the
>situation on the whole. So now the anti-rager crowd will yip
>and howl and shout 'see we were right!'

I am merely offering my personal thoughts on the question. I tried to offer a caveat as a non-BATTLE imm because I didn't want people to think I was speaking for the Immstaff in general. It's something I increasingly feel the need to do whenever I post these days.

>I totally want to see you pull off a rager that doesn't eat
>seaweed or go to the past now.

Challenge (could be) accepted (in the future).

And to be honest, I never even thought about the past as a magical portal. I kind of lumped it in with the fact that all characters have worldwide telepathic communication via tell.

Edited to add:

If I _were_ playing a rager who tried to get away with as much as they could, I would be fine accepting RP consequences up to and including being booted from the cabal. To me, that's part of what makes a character interesting to play: dealing with adverse consequences and playing the character anyway. In this case, would I show repentance and try to get back into battle? Would I continue my war on magic my own way and prove my methods were more effective than the Village's? There are so many worthwhile story arcs to play rather than trashing the character, or worse, throwing up an OOC bitchfest because things didn't go your way and then throwing up a log to try and garner public support for why you were so horribly mistreated.
61238, I read your post as simply how you feel about it, not a hardline.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since you indicated as much. It's good to see multiple sides. Don't worry about people bitching that you have an opinion as I am sure the silent majority is happy to see it as I am. Unless I see other posts from battle imms, I'm going to treat it as letting your character have their own feelings on some of the grey line things.
61232, Umm...
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From help seaweed

Seaweed, while technically a 'pill' in some forms, grants the ability to
breathe water and is not considered to be magical in nature. Therans do
not find this property any more unusual than a toxic mushroom poisoning
its consumer
61234, It doesn't matter.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
CF is real life and there is no suspension of disbelief because that is unsportsmanlike and bad rp.
61237, Actually it's not a pill anymore.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I looked at it and it's considered food now. I could see it totally being IC that eating it gives you a boost of oxygen.
61239, Try the one from kobolds n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61226, I think it varies immortal to immortal.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know in the past some of twists mortal ragers have been to trothon before. I think maybe different imms would have a different take on it.

For instance, Thror in the past has let my rager thieves use both necrotic worms for suggesting to eat as a poisoner, and magic traps with my trappers. His take was it was ok because I wasn't using the magic myself directly, I was turning it against my enemies.

As far as trothon and the portals to say eil shaiera and arkham from the haunted woods....I personally use them, I think most people would. It varies imm to imm but I think in general it's ok.
61227, Yeah, from a gameplay point it certainly makes sense.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since you would be screwed from so many places. Was just wondering how they viewed it IC or if it's up to the player to decide how his character reacts.
61228, Magic traps?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's like saying using magic potions or wands is just turning them against your enemy.

The portal use thing I can just about get. The magical traps thing though is just so inconsistent with not using potions etc.
61229, There is a post addressing all this somewhere already. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I know in the past some of twists mortal ragers have been to
>trothon before. I think maybe different imms would have a
>different take on it.
>For instance, Thror in the past has let my rager thieves use
>both necrotic worms for suggesting to eat as a poisoner, and
>magic traps with my trappers. His take was it was ok because I
>wasn't using the magic myself directly, I was turning it
>against my enemies.
>As far as trothon and the portals to say eil shaiera and
>arkham from the haunted woods....I personally use them, I
>think most people would. It varies imm to imm but I think in
>general it's ok.