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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEarly Santa Umi: RtB/StW
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=61151
61151, Early Santa Umi: RtB/StW
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am requesting for a change to be made that allows people to RtB/StW after testing out the form first. Make it so that you need to be confident in the form prior to swapping it out. Give people a chance to experiment a bit.

1) People get their final form when grouping receive something they think they don't want so they hold off. They don't have the required EP to swap so they are left with a T2 form to continue levelling with. This is ridiculous IMHO.

2) People won't get to experience some forms because of word of mouth etc they are convinced to swap. Any subtle changes made to forms go unnoticed. I am confident not all changes made to forms are announced officially.

3) Implementing this would be very newbie friendly.
61191, I'm playing a form that most people switch out.
Posted by Current Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually find it pretty decent. Is it better than the "best" forms of that foci; not really, but it has other uses that have opens certain aspects of PvE and PvP that change the standard bite spam for 12 hrs shifter playstyle.

People just have to understand is that for something like komodo, it's unique for a major defensive form in that it has plague bite.
Crocodile can go in water. Diamondback can poison. Porcupine dishes the most damage. Pachyderm can lag. Mongoose and Lemur can both rescue and do a decent amount of damage for a defensive form. Armadillo is the best dam reduction.

Wildcat can hide. Hyena is good at all things, master of none. Fox has detect hidden. Cheetah has pounce. Trapdoor Spider has dam reduction and lag. Howler Monkey has lag, deafen ability. Orangutan does the most damage. Cobra has neuro poison, regen.

Ram has boneshatter, weaponbreak. Wolverine has riposte/masochism affect. Golden Jaguar has ambush. Alligator is aquatic and has regen. Tiger has pounce. Lion has high damage and lag. Rhino has dam reduction, lag. Silverback can be dodgy and has lag. Grizzly Bear can do a bunch of things.

Falcon is really good. Golden Eagle has furor, speed. Giant Wasp has neuro, dam reduction. Owl has detect hidden. Hummingbird is mongoose on wings. Vulture has pounce. Vampire bat has deafen and detect hidden.

Orca has boneshatter. Manta Ray has camo and lash, and dodges like a mongoose. Shark has crazy damage and disembowel. Squid has entwine. Dolphin has pounce. Walrus can go on land, dam reduction. Lobster is the same, and has lag. Electric Eel has lag.

In the end, you have to accept that all the forms will give you different tactics, and that all forms will play differently. There isn't a single form in the list I just named I'd get rid of on it's own. You have to see how your form combo works. I can see uses for every one of the forms depending on what your other major form is.
61188, RE: Early Santa Umi: RtB/StW
Posted by MonkeyMagic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems to me based in the discussions around shifters of late:
- Currently there is the regen form debate
- Then there was the whole dolphin debate a couple weeks back

That there are forms people really consider as a must roll/spin without trying them at all.

I actually think this is a reasonable suggestion and would go as far to suggest the following tweaks to it:
- You cannot roll/spin until confident in the form
- When you are confident you get a timer either in the forms list or the character affects which gives a small time frame in which to roll/spin once the timer expires you are "stuck" with the form.

I actually think this would help diversify the playing field somewhat and perhaps some forms that never really see the light of day may start coming back out again.
61189, BTW That horse is really starting to smell! (n/t)
Posted by Jarmel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61190, Since Umi has already removed himself from this discussion
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me chime in:

No. Please stop repeating requests that have already been denied.

61152, Sorry, but no. Dead horse is IMM_BEATING. (nt)
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61158, I look forward to bringing this up again in 2016 :) (nt)
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61160, File 13. (nt)
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM