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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectVeil ideas.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=59691
59691, Veil ideas.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The veil as-is is kind of boring. It doesn't really effect a lot of things or people in the mud. So why not spice it up?

I think it'd be cool if giving items to Tahren or the courier did more to PCs mud-wide. What if giving rare and powerful items had a (small) chance to do things like the below?

Item given to courier could randomly throw out short term:
giant strength
major ward
invoker touches
partial shifts (ears, hooves, eyes)

Items given to Tahren could randomly throw out short term:
magic/elemental malisons all, or those wearing magic flag gear
earthbind mages
slow (2 tick) all
1 hour poison for each magic gear worn
weak dispel magic
muscular lethargy
detect invis/ocular turns to short blind

Just something to spice up not only the veil but the actual giving of items to thicken/thin it.

59692, As it stands it's way too easy for Villagers to affect the veil.
Posted by Athioles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Compared to mages. I kept track of it with my last Nexun and it seemed like just one or two Villagers logging on could take a veil from balanced to thick.

If anything I think affecting the veil should give edge points/xp or maybe even a random skill increase. It'd be a good motivation for people to do it other than just pissing off Villagers or juicing village powers.