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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subject[Code Change] Hear Light
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=59276
59276, [Code Change] Hear Light
Posted by Talisin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since I assume it's gone know, can we pour out some liquor for this edge? Given the lack of info here and on qhcf for it, I have to assume it was underutilized. Just a super-cool and quietly powerful edge.

I know it had to go for coding reasons (and it had some buggy aspects, like players appearing as unnamed Immortals in combat spam), but it was just a sign of all of the awesome features that the coding staff has put into the game. I'm sure it will be replaced by something even better.
59288, I took it on every bard I played
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was probably one of the best edges there was.
Besides the whole occasional vision aspects of room/player and inventory/weapon pick up, you got a lot more out of it.
It enabled the following perks:
1) Blinded by a mob you want gear from, you can still sac the corpse so it doesn't decay. Huge for keys as well. Getting eyejabbed by an NPC in Organia when it was convulsing, and it dies before you can get off a serenade to calm it.
2) Dirt disarm- you get dirted- you can still attempt disarm. You may have to spam til the check is made that you see the weapon.
3) You can utilize your prep bag while blind (Easier with another char) by dropping it so they can get a cure blindness prep out.
You could also put a floating chest in a floating chest- so you keep a back up, drop, sac chest, contents spill out, get potion, quaff, get all, put in secondary chest.

59277, RE: [Code Change] Hear Light
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The concept of the edge is/was cool in theory, but never really worked right in practice. In short, the edge essentially allowed a character to pass a blindness check when they otherwise wouldn't have. Unfortunately, there is a really long list of things in CF that really don't like whether a character is blind within the scope of a single context (one action, one skill, etc.) being nondeterministic (i.e., containing an element of randomness). For that reason, I kicked it to the curb as far more trouble than it's worth.

59284, Makes sense, keep up the good work! n/t
Posted by Talisin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM