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Topic subjectOn Stun
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5917, On Stun
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I watched a fight the other day between a svirf hand spec and a giant axe spec. Twice the svirf stunned the giant. During the third period of combat (after the second stun) the svirf expanded to normal size, so he must have been reduced, presumably because like most svirf warriors he has the autumn harvest legacy.

This got me to thinking: how the hell is this svirf knocking this giant unconscious? Lets forget reduce and enlarge and just deal with regular racial statistics: the svirf or gnome is about 3 or 4 feet tall, yes? And giants average out at about 13 or 14 feet tall, yes? So what exactly is this gnome or svirf doing to knock the giant unconscious? Is he really jumping 10 feet in the air and hitting the giant in the head?

Add in the use of reduce and enlarge. You are now talking four, count 'em 4, size differences. In physical terms, that's something like a 1 foot gnome jumping up and knocking a 20 foot giant in the head, unconscious.

No doubt the basic answer is gamebalance. So fine. The real question then is how it works. It seems to me that a greater size differential should likewise create a greater chance to fail or succeed on stunning someone. Like bearcharge. Or like bash and trip, simple immunity, if the warrior chooses to take advantage of a big size different for other reasons. I just don't see a gnome or svirf, especially a reduced one, having any real chance to stun someone three or four sizes bigger. Hell, that's like a human stunning a dragon, right? Just doesn't make sense.

I recognize that reducing or removing a significantly smaller opponent's ability to stun the larger foe, and increasing the chance a larger opponent will stun the smaller foe, has some implications for the spec. I do not know how good giant hand specs are already, so maybe they shouldn't get a bonus, or maybe they suck at them and this would be a good addition. But I do know that these tiny little one foot tall warriors just shouldn't be having such an easy time stunning creatures that tower over them. No?
5922, Picture Yoda, Clone Wars style. Keeyah bitch! nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5920, Hand specs as a whole need to be looked at, in my opinion nt
Posted by Domino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5918, Groin shot
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A much more painful version of stun.
5919, Toe flip
Posted by Timewatcher on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A 1 foot high svirf grabbing the giant by the toe and flipping him over his shoulder and cracks his head on the ground.
5921, Groin flip
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

What? You were going to read about something called "groin flip"?
5923, I can't seem to find the help file :)
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5926, RE: Groin flip
Posted by Lochzan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sounds like a great idea for a new transmuter spell. Sex change, minor damage, and massive -morale.