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Topic subjectNexus - Rager Question
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=59143
59143, Nexus - Rager Question
Posted by Nexun Ponderer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nexus and the Village are inherent enemies because of magic. But, what if you are nexun and the balance scales are tipped in favor of good and you come across an evil rager. What's the viewpoint on attacking the rager in that situation? Can you still do it or only fight the rager if its self defense until the scales tip back?
59148, RE: Nexus - Rager Question
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Nexus and the Village are inherent enemies because of magic.
>But, what if you are nexun and the balance scales are tipped
>in favor of good and you come across an evil rager. What's the
>viewpoint on attacking the rager in that situation? Can you
>still do it or only fight the rager if its self defense until
>the scales tip back?

It depends on the balance between Magic/non-magic. Nexus doesn't (or isn't supposed to) really consider Battle a permanent enemy any more than other cabals. But because Battle pretty much considers Nexus a permanent enemy, it seems that way.

In truth, a well-RP'd Nexun will find a way to help Battle retrieve from Empire, even, if Magic is "too strong" and so is evil.

Twist, of course, says that there's no such thing as Magic being "too strong", so he might mock/show distaste for such things as aiding to weaken magic (but nothing in-cabal would ever happen such as uninduction or a formal yelling or anything like that).

Does that help?
59152, RE: Nexus - Rager Question
Posted by Nexus Ponderer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes it does. Thank you. What if you took a Twist like stance as a Nexun and said magic can never be too strong and went after battle no matter the state of the veil as a way to prevent magic from getting weak or to keep it strong, however you want to look at it?

I assume you'd be looking at trouble in that case based on what you said about Battle not supposed to be a permanent enemy for Nexus?
59154, Yep, you'd probably be in trouble.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yes it does. Thank you. What if you took a Twist like stance
>as a Nexun and said magic can never be too strong and went
>after battle no matter the state of the veil as a way to
>prevent magic from getting weak or to keep it strong, however
>you want to look at it?
>I assume you'd be looking at trouble in that case based on
>what you said about Battle not supposed to be a permanent
>enemy for Nexus?

Twist would look the other way. Mortal leaders and/or Rayihn/Daevryn? Not so much. :P
59155, RE: Yep, you'd probably be in trouble.
Posted by Nexus Ponderer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Again thanks for the reply. It's weird to think that Battle could in theory be the one cabal where there are times that no other cabal wants to hunt them. It just feels like some cabal should hate the magic haters!
59157, I don't know if it is like this now....
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But for many years, this was just part of the natural ebb and flow of Battle....

They would be weak, others would stop actively hunting them, they would get a few heroes that would clean up....they would get bored, they would declare war on Tribby....their younglings would lose too much con and xp because to be good ragers now meant always being wanted...and that is hard on con and for general ease of life (especially with no magical transport) through the 20's, 30's, and early 40's...leading to massive die-offs/deletions of all the young villagers...and when the power group of Village heroes start dieing, they are left without many up and comers...leading to a weak village. I witnessed this cycle perhaps a dozen times...going back to Arbiters long before Tribunal...which was even harder on the village, declaring war on a cabal with vigilance and guards and manacles everywhere....

It was very much like the ebb and flow of natural wolf/deer populations...where each species success leads to their own downfall.

To add a dedicated anti-rager cabal to this list (on top of what scion was, which was also dedicated anti-fort, and was low numbers by design.) would have been to interrupt cycle.