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Topic subjectMore questions for the Imms!
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58836, More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I've noticed that some of my characters, which I feel are at least reasonably well rp-ed and never cause a stink, get absolutely no love. Some of my others seem to get some glow every other log-in. Do you ever see a character and just decide you don't like 'em?

2) Percentage-wise, how much of your online time would you say your Imm is vis?

3) Do you know when we enter your shrine? Do you know how many times, or just the first time?

4) Which Imm is the best writer?

5) Which Imm has the best hair?

6) Are there any race/class combos you're just tired of seeing?

7) Are there any role concepts that you think are just too ####ing played out to pay any attention to, no matter how well-rped?

8) Is John the Lumberjack really married, or does he just wear that ring to draw the ladies?

9) Which city will likely get the next overhaul after G'don?

10) What will likely come next? A cabal overhaul, new cabal, class overhaul, race overhaul, new class, or new race? Or just some pie?
58856, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2) Percentage-wise, how much of your online time would you say your Imm is vis?

Asymptotically approaching 100%.

That said, I log a lot of time watching characters while getting other work accomplished. If I see something that provokes me to step in an interact, I do. I prefer that to being vis and getting the dog-and-pony show because someone knows an immortal is watching.

Also, this is one reason folks who want to be empowered by me but do the quick login-pray-logout routine almost never hear from me.

10) What will likely come next?

If I get my way, I'll at least have something to contribute this calendar year.
58858, If you get your way - what is that? Let your Will be done. :) n/t
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58863, alas, RL PvE woes... n/t
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm still trying to keep this time from running out
Head down, always moving on and on and on
58868, Halflings
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If he knows what is good for him.
58869, Pipe down! Nobody wants midgets! n/t
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58871, Halflings aren't midgets.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Halflings are the baddest mother ####ers on Faerun. Watch yo mouth Doof.
58872, One bash from a fire giant = dead halfling. Hairy feet all up in the air. n/t
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58886, No sir.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reduced Halfling can't be bashed by fire giant.

Halfling uses his indomitable courage to stare down the fire giant and intimidate it into submission. The fire giant now obeys commands issued by the Halfling the same way a NPC merc does.
58887, Now you're just making this sound like a fantasy game. n/t
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58864, Any plans to make the Shadow Plane more available?
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Would be nice to have somewhere to explore for people who can't go to Hell and/or Silent.
58866, it's flexible at this point
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Right now that control is in PC hands. Depending on how things progress, I expect that you will see that information become more widely available.
58874, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Zhabala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Any plans on making Silent tower mere available?! :)
58875, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!
58877, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Favored Servant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you ever intend to respond and give insight into what my note and prayers were seeking? Or was I wasting my time?
58879, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can maybe guess what you're referring to (though there are a few recent IC notes I have not replied to). I've been working some long hours the past couple weeks, so I have probably missed whatever prayers you have sent up. When things get very busy, a little persistence may be required.
58882, I thought you were a priest irl
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do priests get more or less busy?
58849, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) I've noticed that some of my characters, which I feel are
>at least reasonably well rp-ed and never cause a stink, get
>absolutely no love. Some of my others seem to get some glow
>every other log-in. Do you ever see a character and just
>decide you don't like 'em?

If I see behavior I don't personally agree with, then no, I'm not going to reward that person. If I see a character doing some inspiring roleplay with an enemy or their cabal, I'm apt to drop them some xp.

>2) Percentage-wise, how much of your online time would you say
>your Imm is vis?

10% vis, though it probably should be more.

>3) Do you know when we enter your shrine? Do you know how
>many times, or just the first time?

I do not have a trigger in my shrine to tell me who has entered it. I'm glad I don't, as I think it gets frequented more as a shortcut than for RP reasons :-P. I remember at least one occasion where I was vis in my shrine and someone walked past me without an acknowledgement. Akresius the character was not happy about that. Roleplay ensued.

>4) Which Imm is the best writer?

I don't know.

>5) Which Imm has the best hair?

I don't know.

>6) Are there any race/class combos you're just tired of


>7) Are there any role concepts that you think are just too
>####ing played out to pay any attention to, no matter how

Part-demon/part-devil/come from alternate dimension/etc.

>8) Is John the Lumberjack really married, or does he just wear
>that ring to draw the ladies?

See other posts below.

>9) Which city will likely get the next overhaul after G'don?

I think Galadon is still in the process of receiving cool new upgrades.

>10) What will likely come next? A cabal overhaul, new cabal,
>class overhaul, race overhaul, new class, or new race? Or
>just some pie?

That's up to the people with the grand imaginations and the coders who do the magic.
58850, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>>10) What will likely come next? A cabal overhaul, new
>>class overhaul, race overhaul, new class, or new race? Or
>>just some pie?
>That's up to the people with the grand imaginations and the
>coders who do the magic.

"Grand imaginations"? "Coder Magic"?

I don't believe anyone on staff has either of those. They can't even make a proper PC race like halflings. In fact, I'd be willing to bet $100.00 they can't do it by the end of day.

Prove me wrong.
58851, I'd rename gnomes for april fools.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just for you buddy. But I can't so good luck to you.
58853, They can't.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They don't know how to rename things. It's too hard for their puny minds.
58845, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Verathi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) I've noticed that some of my characters, which I feel are
>at least reasonably well rp-ed and never cause a stink, get
>absolutely no love. Some of my others seem to get some glow
>every other log-in. Do you ever see a character and just
>decide you don't like 'em?

I partially agree with Umiron about the luck. The other part of me just says that if you create a char that just shines socially (cb, says, etc.) and in combat you are probably going to be noticed. Keep trucking and you will likely get loved on.

>2) Percentage-wise, how much of your online time would you say
>your Imm is vis?

Fairly low %. It is easy for morts to RP when they can see you. It is more interesting to see how they RP when they can't see you.

>3) Do you know when we enter your shrine? Do you know how
>many times, or just the first time?

I don't, so I would recommend praying if seeking me. I generally know who is looking for me and will seek them out if they have been pretty diligent about it.

>4) Which Imm is the best writer?

No idea.

>5) Which Imm has the best hair?

No idea.

>6) Are there any race/class combos you're just tired of

Not in particular, though new combos are always a little more interesting

>7) Are there any role concepts that you think are just too
>####ing played out to pay any attention to, no matter how

As Umiron said, demon/devil in x race is old. Beyond that, I get tired of roles that are overly wordy without explaining much.

I don't have answers to the rest...
58842, True story to back up Umiron's answer for #7.
Posted by Voszoad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I waited a little too long to enter Voszoad's description and
was at the time rewording it while playing and got transferred.
I put in the description, and Vos looking like a toad, lead them
to believe I was some sort of challegha demon in concept. So being
I had not input the role yet, they were right to assume that and
they did a great job making me explain why I looked like a demon
but wasn't.

Devil/Demon concepts have been waaaay overdone and better have
a good explanation and/or role if your going that route.

58839, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>8) Is John the Lumberjack really married, or does he just wear
>that ring to draw the ladies?

John is "married" to the dryad inside his cabin.

>10) What will likely come next? A cabal overhaul, new cabal,
>class overhaul, race overhaul, new class, or new race? Or
>just some pie?

Halflings, if they know what's good for them.
58838, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) I've noticed that some of my characters, which I feel are
>at least reasonably well rp-ed and never cause a stink, get
>absolutely no love. Some of my others seem to get some glow
>every other log-in. Do you ever see a character and just
>decide you don't like 'em?

I imagine a lot of this comes down to happenstance. I don't tend to do a ton of snooping or random observing, so while there are certainly characters whose style or role doesn't really interest me at all, I'm not sure that works against them a whole lot in my case. Obviously things like religions or cabals with active immortal leadership tends to mean more of our attention, but ultimately I'm going to point the finger at luck.

All other things aside, your odds of getting "love" do increase if you make an effort to interact with people and drive the narrative of the game. It doesn't mean you will be rewarded, but it can't hurt and it can help. At the end of the day though, do it because you enjoy it and not because you have the expectation that we'll see it and shower you with flatteries. (And of course by "you" I mean players in general, not specifically Doof.)

>2) Percentage-wise, how much of your online time would you say
>your Imm is vis?

99% wizi. If I'm on the MUD, I'm almost always multi-tasking whether it's something else MUD related or otherwise. Where as if I'm visible, I'm probably focusing solely on that.

If it at all interests folks, I'll add that we do keep track of how much time each immortal spends visible so sufficiently high level staff can belittle ol' Umiron for being anti-social if they so choose.

>3) Do you know when we enter your shrine? Do you know how
>many times, or just the first time?

Not really. Under certain circumstances I could investigate these things, but I never have. That's just me though, and many immortals do have progs that alert them when people enter (or do other things).

>4) Which Imm is the best writer?

I don't know. Off the cuff, I'd nominate Mayesha, Rayihn and uh... Thror. I haven't spent much time in most of the areas written after 2012 or so, though.

>5) Which Imm has the best hair?

Insufficient data for meaningful answer.

>6) Are there any race/class combos you're just tired of

Not really. There are definitely builds that I think are proven enough that people probably shouldn't do so much chest-beating when they win, but otherwise no.

>7) Are there any role concepts that you think are just too
>####ing played out to pay any attention to, no matter how

(Demon/Devil) in the body of a (race). Stop doing that.

>8) Is John the Lumberjack really married, or does he just wear
>that ring to draw the ladies?

Never considered it.

>9) Which city will likely get the next overhaul after G'don?

I haven't heard anything, and personally I wouldn't mind if we prioritized other things over another city revamp.

>10) What will likely come next? A cabal overhaul, new cabal,
>class overhaul, race overhaul, new class, or new race? Or
>just some pie?

There's always areas churn, and there are a couple heroimm projects in particular we're behind on (sorry fellas). Beyond that, I don't think there's anything I feel like committing to publicly.

We have open-ended projects like potentially adding more shaman specs or expanding edge coverage, but right now there doesn't seem to be much interest in either of those things.
58840, RE: More questions for the Imms!
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>>8) Is John the Lumberjack really married, or does he just
>>that ring to draw the ladies?
>Never considered it.

tsk tsk, and you call yourself an omniscient being in Thera.

>>10) What will likely come next? A cabal overhaul, new
>>class overhaul, race overhaul, new class, or new race? Or
>>just some pie?
>There's always areas churn, and there are a couple heroimm
>projects in particular we're behind on (sorry fellas). Beyond
>that, I don't think there's anything I feel like committing to
>We have open-ended projects like potentially adding more
>shaman specs or expanding edge coverage, but right now there
>doesn't seem to be much interest in either of those things.

I think you meant "Yes, we are going to create halflings so Matrik will stop sending us lude pics"
58841, Lude pics?
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What good is pictures of a drug, or are you trying to bribe them by offering them something?
Or is that slang for a cross between lewd and nude?

I can't see how that hasn't worked, either way.
58844, Lewd
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never know when a minor might be reading. #### pics is inappropriate.
58846, ^ what he said (n/t)
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I lied, there IS text!

>7) Are there any role concepts that you think are just too
>####ing played out to pay any attention to, no matter how

I roll my eyes every time I see the "mages killed my parents" role.
