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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEdge Points (Especially Thieves) and Replay Value
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=58744
58744, Edge Points (Especially Thieves) and Replay Value
Posted by Amora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's start with a little appreciation. Immortals, thank you for all you do. I think DIVERSIFYING how you get edge points is a great step forward.

I wanted to address my lack of interest in replaying classes post edge point change. I've played since 1994 and while I realize we didn't always have edges, I can't help human nature and my feelings. I think of rolling a character and think of new edge caps and lose interest.

For me each character is a comparison against former characters. I've been trying, but still can't buy into the whole "well, now everyone has less edges" mindset.

1) I'd like to plead/request that we consider making the edge ceiling the same. I don't mind if it's diversified with more hoops to get there. In my mind, the perfect system would allow the same edge total (or slightly more) but encourage pk veterans to pve, pve to fight players more, role players to pk, and pkers to do more role play. Maybe edge points for role playing helping/adding atmosphere to newbies also.

2) let's talk thieves, and this affects the level 42 discussion. Hero thieves. I'd really like to see devious versatility significantly adjusted to be very obtainable once at hero and with much more time investment, twice with a few fun edges left. This would give far more incentive to hit 51. Otherwise the edge change was a secret nerf on thieves.

Having played both Kii and Vhree, this would encourage leveling past 42 while keeping thieves competitive at hero, where they struggle more against veteran players.

I don't know, I love this game and just don't want to play class concepts that are shadows of previous concepts. Keep the ceiling high, just demand more overall to get there.

This improves the players and the game walking that path.
58748, RE: Edge Points (Especially Thieves) and Replay Value
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. The problem is that your are comparing your current characters to previous ones. What I understood from the whole change is that the problem was that there were too many edge points across the board. I think a direct quote was "more than originally intended". If they reverse that in any way it is undoing half of the purpose of them making the change in the first place. The other half being diversifying how much you accumulate your edge points. With my characters, I found I literally had EVERY edge that I wanted with them by the time I deleted. I find it hard to believe that was the original design goal. I always felt they were to give your character a niche boost. Not to have them all.

2. IMO, I'd rather see niche thief skills reduced in cost and have them get rid of devious versatility. If people feel it is a necessary edge, maybe the "problem" is not that they do not get enough thief points but that some of the outlying skills cost too much with normal point distribution.

An alternative to entirely getting rid of devious versatility would be to make it imm awarded. If they were going to do that though, I would still think reducing thief point costs is a good way to go. Maybe start by lowering the cost of the least picked thief skills? That would be cool. Anyway, I'm rambling again.