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Topic subjectFelar
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5857, Felar
Posted by fleshofchaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was thinking last night about the stats of a felar and their RP and I wondered. Why is a race created for slavery and hard labor so weak?

And so...
I have an idea.

My problem is thus,
Felar stats are: 17str 17int 20wis 23dex 23con
My solution is: 19-21str 17int 17/18wis 23dex 23con

Here is why:
I thought that a race that was created to be slaves, and work hard labor their entire lives would be, by nature, strong. But having a 17str just seemed a little odd. Because of their purpose for creation, I thought felar should have at -least- a 19str. Makes them somewhat strong, but no big deal. Personally, I want my slaves to be strong, cause I'm gonig to push them pretty hard. So then I thought they should have a 20str, at least making them just as strong as the average human, -but- since they -are- slaves, I thought 21str would be nicer, this way they can work like dogs (so to speak) all day and be ready to do to again tomorrow. I did think however, that they may have been kept weak to help guard against a rebellion, so that may be why.

I also thought they should drop down some wis a bit, at least 17, just to hopefully balance out their stats with thier new str.

That's my idea. I rather enjoyed my time playing my felar characters as they are a great class, and will continue to enjoy them when the time comes for me to roll another one. I just had a thought, and look forward to some constructive criticism.

5866, Relevant quote from the helpfile
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"For long years in their past, the Felar were enslaved by wizards to serve as familiars. The scars of this servitude still show in the relative weakness and dull wits of the Felar."

They were enslaved to serve as familiars, as in "Yo! Fetch me some eye of newt and be quick about it!" type slaves. You hardly need (or want) a strong slave to do this kind of work.
5861, Why are domestic dogs smaller and weaker than wolves?
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While strength to do menial tasks is important in a slave, if you are going to create a race for that purpose, building in limitations that allow you to control them are just as important.
5862, Oh?
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dogs historically bread to *work*, are in large part (with a few exceptions) either larger, or stronger, than Wolves.

St. Bernards.


Bull Mastiff's.

"Death awaits ya all, wit nasteh big pointeh teeth!"
5860, RE: Felar
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe the general concept is they were meant to experiment on, and labor and otherwise be abused alot. Hence the high constitution. However, this is exactly the sort of stuff which would cause someone to revolt and try to kill the master if they could, so the mages magically created them with a low strength to lessen their abilities to do so.