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Topic subjectThoughts on the 9 level pk range at hero
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=5851
5851, Thoughts on the 9 level pk range at hero
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Given how often I see players level sit at 40-41 or delete immediately after hitting 42, and what I perceive to be an imbalance between level 42 & level 51 characters in PK, I wonder what others think. Prior to level 42, I'm okay with the nine level difference, as it is primarily due to exp penalties.

However, once you hit level 42, you will be in range of others with an identical exp penalty. Take two giant warriors. Those nine levels mean two legacies, approx. 180 base hp, and enhanced reactions. All add up to a difficult fight.

I would think that a 7 level difference at hero would be a little more fair and may result in slightly less level sitting just below hero ranges, since the incentives to go from level 43 to 44 are greater than those to go from 41 to 42
5852, Nothing special about heros and 42s.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The reason people at level 42 have (some) heroes in range is the same reason level 40 people have (some) level 49 people in range. Nothing changes in the formula at 42.

The only recent change is that any two characters level 47+ have each other in range.

since the incentives to go from level 43 to 44 are greater than those to go from 41 to 42

For warriors. Which of the other 15 classes care that much for 43 vs. 44?

5853, While I am warrior biased, 44-46 seems like a power band
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For at least a few classes. Invokers get new spells (pillar, immolation, quicksand), bards get fiend, shifters are guaranteed(?) a major form, asssassins get RPK. At 46 you can see improved invis invokers, etc. Forty-six is the important level to me, but the effort vs. reward to go from 44 to 46 is greater than going from 42 to 46 and as well, I'm not trying to propose a change that eliminates all danger from ranking towards hero, just suggesting alleviating a small bit of pain and what seems like a sticking point (level 42)

Let's say I quit out at level 41. If someone asks me to go ranking, I'll usually turn them down unless I know it's a group or session where I can get several levels at once (instead of ranking for an hour or so and getting stuck at level 42). I think if I didn't hit hero range until level 44, I'd be less reticent in those cases, because the from 44 to 46 doesn't seem like it's much work, but going from 42 to 46 does.