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Topic subjectAbsence, less time for a while, and reasoning.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=58493
58493, Absence, less time for a while, and reasoning.
Posted by Drevzuhl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, I want to say I apologize for my absence this last week, nobody likes to see leaders take time off of CF.

First of all I love CF, all the interactions I have had so far, and this character. He is certainly one of my favorites.

I just wanted to give a brief reason for my absence, and let the players know where my head is at. Last friday night I had plans to go out with my small group of best friends for one of their birthdays, but I chose to stay in and run a very long hell trip with my night instead.

Saturday morning when I woke up from sleeping in I received a phone call that one of my best friends that I was supposed to be out with, the birthday girl, was hit by a speeding driver running a red light at 2 am. She was crossing the street, she never even saw it coming. She was taken to the hospital in critical condition, and this entire last week I have been basically living at the hospital, I have only been home a few hours a day to shower, rest and spend time with my Fiancee.

Tonight, after a week in a coma, they decided to take her off of life support. I know this has very little to do with CF, but this is a tight community, and she had actually played a few characters with me as an uber newbie, though she never visited any forums or anything, she mostly did the academy and sub level 10 stuff. One of two people that I was teaching how to mud, this was her first try at one but she loved fantasy games.

I just haven't had the will to be "Drevzuhl" since that night. I love the character, but I hate the fact that I robbed myself of my last night with her to play CF. Admittedly I have messed around with a sub level 15 lowbie for a couple hours here and there this week to take my mind off things, but I haven't had the focus to give my character the attention I feel is needed. I've had a guilt filled week of wishing I hadn't played CF that night, but life is simple, we make decisions and can't look back.

I'm going to continue to give it a shot, but I wouldn't expect anymore the 6-9 hour sessions a night I was putting in anymore for a while. I have a lot on my plate right now. I just wanted to let the playerbase know why a leader disappeared for a week, and that one of the really new players that was dipping her toes into CF has passed away. Her name was Areolle and she was awesome.

I don't expect to be treated any different in game. If one of you bitches kills me and doesn't loot the piss out of me I'm going to be disappointed. If I end up deleting in the next week or two, it would be because I can't give the character the 100% into it the playerbase deserves from it. As of now, I think my playtimes will be a little shorter and less frequent for a week or two until I figure out where to go from here. I'd like to see if I can stick it out.

So I'll be around, kinda. The CF world keeps spinning, hoping I can find that spark for the character again because he's pretty fun.

Most certainly will see you all in the fields in one form or another.

58497, Sad sad.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry man.
58496, Couldn't do it. Tried a login, but I deleted.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's just not the same. I'm not the same after tonight, and I need to step away for a while and take care of my best interests.

Imms can go ahead and push the death through to battlefield, ill pick up the PBF later for ####s and giggles.

Enjoy CF everyone, ill be back in some form or another.
58495, That's a massive downer
Posted by Forveng on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take it easy Drev. We'll see you when we see you.
58494, RE: Absence, less time for a while, and reasoning.
Posted by Kregan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am very sorry to hear what you and those around you have been through in the last week.

My only suggestion as is its what I would do is take the time that you need.

Take care. Take time.