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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectGnomish Inherent Abilities
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=58156
58156, Gnomish Inherent Abilities
Posted by The Heretic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gnomes in CF seem to be designed to exploit massive gain converts. This somewhat balances out their vulnerability and low combat stats, but adds nothing to RP and makes the gnome a good choice for power-gamers who are maximizing HPs. (I'm looking at you gnome shifters.) Most races have some sort of built-in RP, I don't see this with gnomes.

I think it would be interesting to change the gnome's current inherent ability of 'gain convert' to something that contributes to the atmosphere of the game.

It's tough to come up with alternate inherents. The nature niche of gnomes in D&D is taken by wood-elves in CF, but the gnome's inclination for the arcane is available. Given their affinity for loring objects in CF, I think taking that further, giving them special abilities with limited and magical objects in general, is the way to go.

Here are a few differen't ones I came up with:
1. A natural ability to sense when objects have a special purpose. Something like 'contact other planes' but weakened in some way.
2. Stat bonuses on limited or magical worn items. For example, an item that grants 50 hps, would grant a gnome 55 hps.
3. Enhanced prog fire rates.
4. Level boost to magic items (scrolls, wands, talismans and potions).

It might also be interesting to throw in some kind of affinity during character creation for gnomes and give them a choice of natural, magical or rare items.

Anything along these lines should mean curbing their HP gains. Perhaps sacrificing a large number of pracs to have the new abilities. Or maybe the entire prac to HP system should be revised.

Good idea? Bad idea? Suggestions for gnome inherents?
58192, Maybe they could have some kind of inherent invis.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The niche of gnomes in D&D is that of
1) illusionist
2) crazy mechanic type

I dunno where you got that nature idea that is "taken by wood-elves".
58193, Forest gnomes
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
D&D has evolved and changed in many directions over the years.

5E currently has forest gnomes which I assume is what he is talking about.

Before gnomes were a playable race in D&D, there were also multiple kinds depending on the setting.
58158, RE: Gnomish Inherent Abilities
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think all of your suggestions are way more "power-gamey" than having 23 int and getting 6 pracs per level.

While I agree that gnomes don't have much going in the culture or flair department, I would say that lately I haven't noticed much in the way of chaotic stupid gnome or murder everything gnome, so that's good.

I agree we could do more for gnomes in terms of lore, area development, etc., but I'm not convinced that any mechanical adjustments are necessary.