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Topic subjectSavage blow.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=58005
58005, Savage blow.
Posted by Savageranger101 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wondering if this has been changed over the past few years or if I'm just enduring the longest streak of bad RNG I've ever had? Against targets the same size, in my home terrain with 100% in the skill I'm landing maybe 40-50% of my attempts. In other terrains it's considerably lower to the point that I"m surprised if I land one and landing two in a row is almost unheard of.

I played the same build 2 years ago or so and it was much, much better then. As it stands now it kind of feels like playing a svirf and spamming bash.
58018, RE: Savage Blow
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Destuvius already covered that the skill was adjusted a bit in 12/2013, so there's that.

The skill lands about as much as I'd like to it given good conditions. Off the cuff I'll say that metal armor hurts a lot, ganging hurts a lot, it's less effective against opponents with high dex, and uh... again, given good conditions it's not as low as you're suggesting. You're also incorrect in some of the assumptions you make about what matters.
58021, RE: Savage Blow
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to know what truly 'matters' in regards to savage blow.

From a player experience, having a skill that is at 100% fail 100% of the time over six combat rounds is very disappointing. (I have a log supporting that below)

I can't think of many warrior/lag skills that fail that much. That said, I can 100% accept that I am doing 'something wrong' I'd just like to know what can optimize my 'success'

Hook me up?

58023, RE: Savage Blow
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'd like to know what truly 'matters' in regards to savage

I updated the helpfile. That combined with a general understanding of savage mechanics and some broad assumptions (i.e., pretty much all lagging moves work less against people being ganged) should be enough information for you. It'll have to be.

>From a player experience, having a skill that is at 100% fail
>100% of the time over six combat rounds is very disappointing.
> (I have a log supporting that below)

There isn't enough information in your logs to really understanding how the skill was performing under the hood, but off the cuff I can see that you're a low strength build fighting a relatively high dex build, so that hurts you. Other factors that aren't visible in the log may have brought your chances up or down as well. And of course there's still the possibility that even with decent odds the RNG just didn't favor you that time. Plus, you're also showing us the worst looking log(s) you can find and not necessarily a fair sample.

>I can't think of many warrior/lag skills that fail that much.
>That said, I can 100% accept that I am doing 'something wrong'
> I'd just like to know what can optimize my 'success'

Savage blow probably shouldn't be on par with cranial, for example.

Also, you don't really have the PK record of someone who should be asking for more reliable ways of preventing people from getting away from you.

>Hook me up?

I've given what I intend to give. I hope it helps.

58024, RE: Savage Blow
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It helps, and it is very much appreciated. Please do not take anything in any of my posts as complaining, just looking for clarification (or assuming maybe something was broken, because it worked differently for me in the past). You've explained things to me and I appreciate you taking the time to do so. You're right, I wasn't looking for logs that didn't prove my point, and honestly it'd be too hard to sort out savage blow vs pc's/npc's for me to really provide you with adequate data.

Again, thank you very much Umiron.

58025, You obviously haven't been reading my logs too closely.
Posted by Mhaerdhess on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
RNG is a bastard.
58008, I played a giant savage in 2014
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and the success rate seemed like about 50% outside my home terrain.
I never fought a PC in my home terrain (desert) but it seemed like it landed reliably vs mobs there.
58009, You fought one, I just died to the ambush
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58007, RE: Savage blow.
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dunno how long ago you played the build the first time, but in Dec of 13 (at least thats the only documented update I can find) savage blow got an adjustment:


I know this might be a really stupid question, but are you wearing a random piece of metal gear without realizing it? Even a single piece of metal gear will screw a lot of things up for a savage. I played a couple of them both before and after the change and had no issues.
58010, RE: Savage blow.
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not the OP, but I have a pretty good idea who is.

I wear no metal, and it seems to me that in PK savage blow is MAYBE ~30% effective overall (I have had 100% in the skill since lvl 42). I still use it, because trip lag is trip lag (and its the only lag I have as a non giant ranger).

That said, it seems way way way way way worse than it used to be.

It also doesn't line up with other damage based trip lag skills anymore, I'd take trip/pincer/cranial/misdirect over it any day.

If we could convince you guys to re-examine the code, and maybe make it more reliable but balance its damage? or something. As it stands, I am 100% with the OP that savage blow is pretty crappy :(
58011, Followup: typical savage blow performance log
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We are both foresters (this is in our home terrain), and both have savage blow perfected. We've RP'd about this in game in regards to our guildmaster 'not teaching us things' properly anymore.

<100%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM ambush rarhari onslaught
You step out from your cover.
Your surprise attack === OBLITERATES === Rarhari!
Rarhari yells 'Help! I've been ambushed by Raeth!'
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<100%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM
Ucauxuhn suddenly tenses up and charges towards Rarhari with savage abandon.
Ucauxuhn's savage blow violently slams Rarhari against a tree trunk!
Ucauxuhn steps out from his cover.
Ucauxuhn's savage blow devastates Rarhari!
Rarhari yells 'Die, Ucauxuhn, you filthy savage!'
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<100%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Rarhari parries your claw.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
As Rarhari fights you, he seems intimidated by your fierce war paint!
Rarhari's slash EVISCERATES you!
Rarhari's slash MUTILATES you!
You dodge Rarhari's slash.
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<92%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM
Your thrust maims Rarhari!
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
You dodge Rarhari's slash.
You parry Rarhari's slash.
You dodge Rarhari's slash.
Ucauxuhn's thrust devastates Rarhari!
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<92%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM savage rarhari
You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Rarhari.
Your savage blow misses Rarhari.
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<92%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM
Rarhari has fled!
Rarhari leaves east.
You hear a dull thud. It did not sound far from here.

<92%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM
Ucauxuhn leaves.

<92%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM e

Rarhari yells 'Die, Ucauxuhn, you filthy savage!'

<92%hp 86%m 100%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM savage rarhari
Rocky Riverside Slope

Ucauxuhn is here, fighting Rarhari.
(White Aura) Rarhari is here, fighting Ucauxuhn.

<92%hp 86%m 99%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Rarhari.
Your savage blow misses Rarhari.
Rarhari yells 'Die, Raeth, you filthy savage!'
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<92%hp 86%m 99%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM
Rarhari parries your thrust.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
The razor sharp blades attached to your gloves slice at Rarhari!
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Rarhari's slash DISMEMBERS Ucauxuhn!
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<92%hp 86%m 99%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM savage rarhari

Ucauxuhn suddenly tenses up and charges towards Rarhari with savage abandon.
Ucauxuhn's savage blow misses Rarhari.
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<92%hp 86%m 99%mv 20626tnl> wilderness FOREST 9 PM
Rarhari closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Rarhari disappears.

1 out of 4.

Edit to add: I can provide more logs of it performing this way, but I imagine you guys can reproduce it anytime you want.

Also, I don't know if this is relevant but the success rate against NPC's is quite high vs PC's (probably 80%+ on NPC's, and something like 40% or below on PC's)
58012, your strength is also 17. nt
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58013, Not my first felar savage
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can tell you that STR did not seem to matter in the past (as I've played both felar/cloud savage to hero before). I'd not be complaining if the current 'experience' weren't so very poor compared to past experience.
58014, I believe that.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i've had it in the past too, both as cloud, human, and felar, and after the changes felar was pretty woeful because i think str is now a larger component to the equation where in the past it wasn't at all.
58015, Are you enlarged in any of these instances?
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do not have code access, but I have always felt that being giant sized or larger helps make savage blow work better than being smaller. It would also make a lot of sense from a logical standpoint if that is the case.
58016, I have been enlarged several (10+) times
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When trying, thinking the same thing. I spoke with (who I think the OP is) in game about being 'bigger' too, and we concurred that in our experience it did not seem to make a difference.

It seems very random, For example I had a success vs an orc (1 size larger than me) in a mountain (not my hometerrain), wheras I've failed 3-4 times in a row in my hometerrain vs someone smaller.

I understand that RNG can put forth scenario's that seem very feast/famish, but in general I've not had good success with savage blow.

As I posted before, NPC vs PC seems to generate different results.
58017, Enlarged Savage blow log
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here you go. Granted, not my hometerrain...but savage blow used to be reliable just about everywhere with my other rangers

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness field 1 AM eat yellow
You finish eating a small yellow root.
You are definitely still hungry.
The world and everything around seem to grow smaller.
You are already as strong as you can get!

***I snipped some chasing around, but can put it back if you want the ENTIRE thing, Enlarge had not worn off prior to below***

<96%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness field 2 AM where
People near you:
(PK) Rarhari Rocky Plains
(PK) Raeth Lush Farmland

<96%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness field 2 AM n
You begin creeping in that direction.
Lush Farmland

A small frog hops from rock to rock.
A small frog hops from rock to rock.
A small child plays in the stream catching frogs.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM cam
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM You attempt to camouflage yourself.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM w
You begin creeping in that direction.
Rocky Plains

(White Aura) Rarhari is here.
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM cam
savage rarhari

Rarhari leaves north.
You attempt to camouflage yourself.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM They aren't here.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM n
You begin creeping in that direction.
A Dried Streambed

(White Aura) Rarhari is here.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness field 3 AM where pk
savage rarhari

Rarhari leaves north.
People near you:
(PK) Rarhari Along a Dried Streambed
(PK) Raeth A Dried Streambed

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness field 3 AM They aren't here.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness field 3 AM n
You begin creeping in that direction.
Along a Dried Streambed

(White Aura) Rarhari is here.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness field 3 AM n
You begin creeping in that direction.
In the Foothills

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM savage rarhari
Rarhari has arrived.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Rarhari.
You step out from your cover.
Your savage blow misses Rarhari.
Rarhari yells 'Die, Raeth, you filthy savage!'
Rarhari has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
Your thrust maims Rarhari!
Rarhari parries your thrust.
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM
Rarhari whirls a flaming bardiche to strike you before you can react!
Rarhari's quick strike mauls you.
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM where

Rarhari whirls a flaming bardiche briefly, but settles into a defense anew.
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM
You dodge Rarhari's whirling flames.
You parry Rarhari's claw.
Rarhari parries your thrust.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Your thrust misses Rarhari.
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM
Rarhari raises a flaming bardiche on high, and shouts an inspiring cry!
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM savage rarhari
People near you:
(PK) Rarhari In the Foothills
(PK) Raeth In the Foothills
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Rarhari.
Your savage blow misses Rarhari.
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM
You dodge Rarhari's whirling flames.
You dodge Rarhari's whirling flames.
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
Rarhari parries your thrust.
Rarhari parries your claw.
Your thrust MUTILATES Rarhari!
Rarhari parries your thrust.
Rarhari has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
You dodge Rarhari's whirling flames.
Rarhari parries your thrust.
The razor sharp blades attached to your gloves slice at Rarhari!
Your claw MASSACRES Rarhari!
Your thrust EVISCERATES Rarhari!
Your thrust EVISCERATES Rarhari!
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<95%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM savage rarhari

Rarhari whirls a flaming bardiche to strike you before you can react!
Rarhari's quick strike devastates you!
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<92%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Rarhari.
Your savage blow misses Rarhari.
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
Rarhari's whirling flames swings wide as you meet it with a spin.
You parry Rarhari's whirling flames.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Rarhari keeps you at bay with his polearm.
A ranger's spear glows a soft green in your paws.
You feel better!
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<96%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM Rarhari whirls a flaming bardiche to strike you before you can react!
The blow pushes you off balance, and Rarhari moves in to continue his assault.
Rarhari's quick strike decimates you!
Rarhari is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<94%hp 100%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 3 AM
Rarhari has fled!
Rarhari leaves east.

100% misses, This is the kind of thing that has me grumpy, when facing people with reliable lag every round ;)
58019, Hasted+enlarged log
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In this log with haste+enlarge and savage blow hits 50% of the time, which is about as 'good as it gets'

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 20829tnl> wilderness mountain 12 AM
Liantae: Raijan first.

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 20829tnl> wilderness mountain 12 AM get yellow sack
You get a small yellow root from a cured hide sack made from the corpse of Vhalorn.

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 20829tnl> wilderness mountain 12 AM eat yellow
You finish eating a small yellow root.
You no longer feel hungry.
The world and everything around seem to grow smaller.
You are already as strong as you can get!

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 20829tnl> wilderness mountain 12 AM cb step west

Liantae now follows you.

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 20829tnl> wilderness mountain 12 AM Raeth: step west

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 20829tnl> wilderness mountain 12 AM w
You begin creeping in that direction.
In the Foothills

A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.
A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.
You realize you ruined your camouflage when you were creeping.

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20829tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Lagoruthon yells 'Die, Raijan, you sorcerous dog!'

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20829tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Liantae nods.

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20829tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM hold thing
You stop using a ranger's spear.
You hold a thing

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20829tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM cam
You attempt to camouflage yourself.

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20829tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM brand

Liantae slings various curses and insults, aimed at no one in particular.
You brandish a thing.
Liantae is moving more quickly.
You feel yourself moving more quickly.
You have become better at talismans (97%)! (40% learning bonus)
A shaggy snow badger is moving more quickly.
A shaggy snow badger is moving more quickly.

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Raijan has arrived.

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Liantae yells 'Die, Raijan, you sorcerous dog!'
Raijan narrows his eyes and glares in Liantae's direction.
Raijan's heavenly wrath === OBLITERATES === Liantae!

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
You hear a dull thud. It did not sound far from here.

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM wiel spear

Liantae's chop MUTILATES Raijan!
Raijan smashes the edge of a shield of pure light into Liantae, knocking Liantae off her feet.
Raijan's shield jab MASSACRES Liantae!

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM You stop using a thing
You wield a ranger's spear.
Your current wield is now spear.
A ranger's spear feels like a part of you!

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Raijan narrows his eyes and glares in Liantae's direction.
Raijan's heavenly wrath MANGLES Liantae!

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM savage raij
You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Raijan.
Your savage blow slams Raijan against an outcrop of jagged rocks!
You step out from your cover.
Your savage blow decimates Raijan!
Raijan yells 'Die, Raeth, you filthy savage!'
Raijan has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Raijan deflects your thrust with his shield.
Raijan parries your claw.
Raijan parries your thrust.
Raijan has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Liantae utters the words, 'uigzqh gxabraw'.
Liantae causes a stinging swarm of insects to descend upon Raijan!
Raijan has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Some insects around Raijan fly away annoyed, not being able to get close enough to him due to all the fighting.
Your thrust EVISCERATES Raijan!
Raijan parries your claw.
Raijan parries your thrust.
Raijan deflects your thrust with his shield.
A ranger's spear glows a soft green in your paws.
You feel better!
Liantae's chop EVISCERATES Raijan!
As an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter' tears into Raijan, a gout of blood erupts!
Raijan is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM savage raij

Liantae tries some fancy axe-work, but just whacks her axes together.
Liantae's brutal attack misses Raijan.
Raijan is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Raijan narrows his eyes and glares in Liantae's direction.
Raijan's heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Liantae!
You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Raijan.
Your savage blow slams Raijan against an outcrop of jagged rocks!
Your savage blow EVISCERATES Raijan!
Liantae yells 'Die, Lagoruthon, you sorcerous dog!'
Lagoruthon narrows his eyes and glares in Liantae's direction.
Liantae trembles under the force of Lagoruthon's wrath as it tears deeply into her soul.
Lagoruthon's heavenly wrath MANGLES Liantae!
Raijan is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<100%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
Raijan parries your thrust.
Your claw maims Raijan!
Your thrust MUTILATES Raijan!
Your thrust MUTILATES Raijan!
Raijan smashes the edge of a shield of pure light into your chest.
Raijan's shield jab EVISCERATES you!
Liantae's chop EVISCERATES Raijan!
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<95%hp 95%m 99%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 12 AM
The curse wears off.
Raijan bats vainly at the biting insects.
Raijan's swarm of insects wounds him.
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<96%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Lagoruthon narrows his eyes and glares in Liantae's direction.
Lagoruthon's heavenly wrath === OBLITERATES === Liantae!
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<96%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Raijan parries your thrust.
Raijan parries your claw.
Raijan parries your claw.
Raijan smashes the edge of a shield of pure light into your chest.
Raijan's shield jab MASSACRES you!
Liantae's chop MUTILATES Raijan!
Lagoruthon strikes Liantae with the edge of a studded buckler.
Lagoruthon's shield jab MANGLES Liantae!
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<89%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM savage raij

Liantae has fled!
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<89%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Raijan.
Your savage blow misses Raijan.
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<89%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Your thrust fails to penetrate a helmet made from the mirrored scales of a silver dragon worn by Raijan.
Raijan deflects your claw with his shield.
Your claw EVISCERATES Raijan!
Your thrust MUTILATES Raijan!
As Raijan fights you, he seems intimidated by your fierce war paint!
You parry Raijan's searing light.
You parry Raijan's searing light.
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<89%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
You yell 'Die, Lagoruthon, you sorcerous dog!'
Lagoruthon narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel unclean.
You tremble under the force of Lagoruthon's wrath as it tears deeply into your soul.
Lagoruthon's heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Raijan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<74%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Your thrust MUTILATES Raijan!
Raijan deflects your claw with his shield.
Raijan parries your claw.
You dodge Raijan's searing light.
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
Raijan is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

<74%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Lagoruthon narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You tremble under the force of Lagoruthon's wrath as it tears deeply into your soul.
Lagoruthon's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Raijan is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

<66%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Your thrust MUTILATES Raijan!
As a ranger's spear tears into Raijan, a gout of blood erupts!
Your claw misses Raijan.
Raijan deflects your claw with his shield.
You dodge Raijan's searing light.
Whirling your spear from paw to paw, you knock Raijan's searing light away.
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
You dodge Lagoruthon's searing light.
Lagoruthon smashes the edge of a studded buckler into your chest.
Lagoruthon's shield jab DISMEMBERS you!
Raijan is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

<60%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM savage raij

Liantae: I need herbs.
You tense up into a savage stance and charge towards Raijan.
Your savage blow misses Raijan.
Raijan is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

<60%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Raijan has fled!
Raijan leaves east.
Lagoruthon narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Lagoruthon's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Your thrust MUTILATES Lagoruthon!
Lagoruthon parries your claw.
Your thrust fails to penetrate a polished mithril girth worn by Lagoruthon.
Your thrust MUTILATES Lagoruthon!
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
Your defensive spin deflects Lagoruthon's searing light.
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
Lagoruthon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<52%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM

Raijan has arrived.
Your thrust MUTILATES Lagoruthon!
Your claw misses Lagoruthon.
Lagoruthon parries your claw.
Lagoruthon deflects your claw with his shield.
Your defensive spin deflects Lagoruthon's searing light.
You dodge Lagoruthon's searing light.
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
You parry Lagoruthon's searing light.
Lagoruthon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<52%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
Lagoruthon narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Lagoruthon's heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Lagoruthon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<37%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM
You yell 'Die, Raijan, you sorcerous dog!'
Raijan narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Raijan's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Lagoruthon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<29%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM fle
Lagoruthon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<29%hp 96%m 100%mv 20779tnl> wilderness hills 1 AM In the Mountains

(Camouflaged) (Translucent) Liantae stalks with the grace of a predator, her scarred and tattooed form gliding over the terrain.
(Invis) (White Aura) (Ensnared) Rarhari is here.
A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.
You flee from combat!