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Topic subject | Can Scion get a breath of life? Or Arcane sect? |
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57600, Can Scion get a breath of life? Or Arcane sect?
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can we have somewhere for those naughty evil magi?
57715, This came up before
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And it may come up again, but one big thing to note that current Empire powers would be taking some very sizable nerfs if they were to receive another sect.
57738, What about just re-opening Scion?
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it perm-closed because the powers are believed too strong? Or, is it because Scarab wanted a monopoly on destroying the world (doubt it)?
What is the reason Scion is gone? Not enough staff to oversee/keep alive?
Scion was awesome, and I'd really like to play one. If its a matter of balance can their powers be tweaked to the point where it can be re-opened?
57739, RE: Scion
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suppose the nail in Scion's coffin was Scarabaeus' desire to reopen the Scarab cabal, but even in the months prior Scion was pretty much a community service project for a couple of immortals who were pitching in here and there.
We did (and do) feel like Scion + Scarab + Empire is probably a bit too much for the bad guys. I certainly agree that Scion's powers are probably a bit too much when the cabal isn't mostly empty anyway, let alone with Scarab rolling strong too. So there's that as well.
For a while there we had a hard time filling Scion (up here) because quite frankly, the typical repeat Scion player tends to be somewhat off-putting and adolescent. There are absolutely exceptions, but the cabal often comes with baggage. Previous Scion immortals could regale you with stories of players wanting to play-by-email, easily getting disgruntled about being under-rewarded (in their eyes), and so on. It can be a high maintenance cabal in ways you might not expect. In that sense, the usual Scion crowd may have helped sharpen the dagger that killed it.
As for the here and now, we're basically in a state where Scion exists, but we don't really need it. I certainly understand why some players want it, but as Masters fans will attest, wanting doesn't make it so.
All that being said, Scion has not been removed in the typical sense or thematically replaced/upgraded so it's certainly conceivable that some day it will return. If that happens, something will be done to address our balance concerns and of course it would hinge on an immortal (or two) interested in running it and the creation of a narrative we find appealing.
For the time being I wouldn't get my hopes up, though.
57740, Thank you!
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was a great post. I know that I can come off as snarky (see my ST comments on the other thread). But, when you guys turn around and share your true thought processes in regards to things like the Scion cabal it is really good. Thank you for taking the time to write that out.
That said, I 100% agree that scion powers are a bit 'over the top' given the current state of the game.
57742, I know Masters is a dead dog
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But has there ever been any discussion about opening some kind of variant? A mage/magic focused cabal that kind of fills the Scion void but is open to all alignments so its not team evil heavy?
I know that Nexus is supposed to be a magic cabal of sorts, but, it seems to be somewhat secondary to the balance thing.
Just curious.
57651, Empire would be way overpowered with an Arcane Sect
Posted by Humbert on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A Masters-like mages-only Cabal would not be amiss though :-)