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Topic subjectCould someone please explain neutral to me?
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57166, Could someone please explain neutral to me?
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never play neutral because I don't really understand what it means.

Let's take just killing mobs.
Evils can kill anyone.
Goodies can only kill evils.

Neutrals can kill anyone but they need a reason? What if I'm farming stuff off good mobs? I guess it's fine since neutrals rank on good mobs all the time, but how are they different from evils then?

I know most earth races (dwarf, svirf, gnome) should not slay kin but that's all that comes to mind.
57169, The way I see it
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The good you do broadly balances the evil you do.

Not palatable, but reflects cf life.

More cynically I would say that being neutral means you can do more damage to people with protection spell or supp.
57167, RE: Could someone please explain neutral to me?
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Helpfile does a good job.
Perhaps the most difficult alignment to define, neutrality can vary
dramatically from one character to another. While some possess ideals
that might even be called noble, others live their lives guided by little more than survival or apathy. While neutral characters may possess certain values, they are unconcerned with moral consequences, and whether those values serve to the benefit or detriment of others is of no concern to them. True neutrality is perhaps the most difficult alignment to uphold, and while some neutral characters tend to display either good or evil tendencies, they never let their actions be too strongly swayed by either morality or depravity. An ability to regard the world with true moral indifference is the hallmark of neutrality.

Neutrals aren't killing an evil because it's righteous when they kill one.
Neutrals aren't killing a goodie for the joy of watching them die when they kill one.
Neutrals don't care if what they do impacts positively or negatively someone else, they care mostly about how it impacts them.
A neutral would kill something to ward off hunger, if they had something he could not acquire through other means.

The whole xp/learning dynamic sort of makes it tough to wrap a head around, since the reason of advancement doesn't probably matter enough to a neutral to slaughter 900 elven children.

Neutrals can do whatever for the most part, because they don't have any sense of regard for morality. It's similar to evil in that they might be motivated by self interest and not hold back their actions, but an evil delights and acts for things that we consider evil, where as the neutral might be more ends justifies the means, and sees it as no more then their actions fulfill a purpose they need served.

A neutral who is hungry might kill whatever is next to them to acquire food. An evil kills that same person for the enjoyment of eating the flesh, not to ward off hunger.

Honestly, it's hard to RP a true neutral because it requires such indifference that most of us don't really have.

Not sure if this helps.
57168, It's just an aesthetic really
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most 'good' characters in CF would be considered criminally insane in the real world, your average neutral character is probably rather beyond the most prolific serial killers in history.