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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectSet the world on fire: Coming of the Grand Djini
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=57049
57049, Set the world on fire: Coming of the Grand Djini
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So just thinking of an idea to re-invigorate the playerbase to get more folks online and more action happening. Over the years there has been a lot of conversations around rewards, folks getting them, folks not getting them. A number of people have played this game for 10-15 years without ever having a quest form or game changing mechanical enhancement.

So enter the Grand Djinni. This mystical mega force has entered Thera and is granting wishes!

Setup a time frame of maybe 2 or 3 days where any character level 30+ can make a wish and it will be granted.

Wish ideas
For anyone
+100 max HP
+2 max to a stat (max of 25)
6000 imm exp

For Necromancers
garunteed lich quest at 47
Garunteed success of mummy conversion
+4 random greater undead

For Shaman
Extra random path
Get to explicitly pick your 2 paths (align/ethos restrictions still in place but not imm restictions)

random quest form
Random third final form (player picks focus)
Get to pick your final forms (within your shapefocus)

third legacy picked by player
Sacrifice 1 legacy for a third spec
Executioners grace

+20 thief points
warrior legacy
camo skill

two extra matrial trance edges
warrior legacy
executioners grace

give up virtues but get second dedication
extra random virtue
get to explicitly pick your first 2 virtues

this is just a list off the top of my head but the general idea is everyone has access to 1 significant reward, they know what their choices are in advance so they can plan out their char, try and keep it to 1 char per player. This would be one hell of an event to be remembered, it will rope in folks and juicing up participation for a while should have a rolling affect to get people invested again.

You could also make a wish a thing moving forward to give people a reward and give them some control over its direction. Might even stick something on people like Nethlaaric or tiamat to add more value to people taking them down (and arguments over loot splitting after).
57051, If everyone gets it, then its not a reward
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If we suddenly make it so that everyone, regardless of merit, gets a quest form just by making a shapeshifter, then how do we reward the people who do all the right things and make the game more fun for everyone around them?

While I agree that there could be a better, possibly more transparent method, for what we look for in terms of rewarding characters, I do not think this idea is even close to practical.
57067, Custom title, custom short desc, etc etc
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly CF doesn't need mechanical rewards. The OP here is goofy but is anyone worthy of a quest form going to be put out if they don't get a quest form? Or only the ones who aren't and probably shouldn't be getting quest forms?
57103, The purpose of this is not a reward system change
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I started playing CF because while walking through the commons in high school some people were talking about a staff of striking and it caught my interest. I then got hooked to the game because it was a common interest amongst many people and we both played and socialized around it (this was in the time before xbox live and steam).

There are a number of vets on the fringe that could be enticed into throwing their hat in the arena again if given a concrete chance to play out one of the CF fantasies they had dreamed about for years but maybe never got.

You get a surge in people you get momentum, CF is getting better, but the major complaint these days is simply player count, this will bring in a surge. Additionally this becomes part of the history of CF, just like the Entropy Lich FAQ, the spell plaque, that vampire mob Scarab has been using to interact with, etc. More buzz is a good thing.

Seriously if I wasn't playing right now and someone said, dude if you are level 30 by next Friday you can have a third legacy, I would roll up just for a chance to recognize that dream I have been thinking about the last 16 years.
57105, That entirely takes the point out of the reward.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shouldn't the guy who waited 16 years realize his dream because he put the effort forth and roleplayed it? I think you have it entirely backwards. Just handing out rewards will not fix whatever you think is broken with this game.

Have you ever played a game with cheat codes to make it faster and get past what you see as an obstacle? Doesn't it feel like a hollow win? Do you know how long I play a game like Starcraft with cheat codes? Maybe a half an hour. While, I will keep coming back to other games where I cannot or even want to cheat like CF. It is one of those games where you need to give it your all and play for you. Try to enrich the environment with your roleplay.

If you believe just giving away rewards is a selling point, I think you just want to have cheatcodes. A hollow win, my friend. It just encourages hollow, lame characters. If you do not realize that, I do not know what to tell you. Now, if you said something like "I think players that deserve rewards should get them earlier", then maybe I might agree with you on some level. That is a disagreement about who deserves rewarding and when. As of right now, I completely disagree with your entire thought process.

I think if you put half the effort you are putting into these ideas into recruiting new players, we would probably have a plethora of new blood.

Edit: Spelling is hard.
57106, I think you're missing his point
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which is that vets would be keen to try that 3 legacy warrior even if every other warrior also has 3 legacies and all vokers have extra affinities etc.
57111, At what cost?
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And, yes, I completely got his point. I'm not trying to be mean, it is just completely unrealistic.
57112, Not saying I agree it should be done
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I think it's a valid suggestion and point. My issue with it would be the impact on existing chars or the impact the longer lived "bonus chars" have after bonuses stop.
57117, Creating a fresh crop of long lived chars is the goal
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some people will play them out. Others will get their jollies from interacting with them.

This is nothing but an idea to get a temporary surge in head count that hopefully has a snowball effect.

It is without a doubt extreme, but that is maybe what it takes to push those forum peekers back into the game and get the hook reset in them. Cf is like Pringles, once you pop you can't stop. Just need more folks to nibble on that first chip again.
57110, Whether intentional or not, your idea is very much a change to rewards
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the new 'standard' for warriors was a third legacy, then the warriors who would receive a third legacy under the current system would need to receive something else instead. The possible things that would come to mind at that point would be something really obscene, like giving them a third spec or a fourth legacy, or juicing some of their stats beyond racial max. If you take away the current 'reward' by making it a standard thing among every member of the class then you need to have a new reward available for the people who do something special.

Now all of a sudden what we have are a handful of jaded vets who are mad that they have never earned having a fourth legacy or a third spec, which in turn pushes the new 'bar' of what makes something cool beyond what we currently have.

57113, Yeah, this is Monty Haul syndrome.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
57114, I assumed he was talking a temporary change
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To lure people back. Not a new baseline.
57050, I think you are aiming way too high.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you would be more successful asking the imms to be more liberal with these types of rewards than to hand them out to every NoRpNecro or GrumpyPaladin (aka Grumpadin).

Or even suggesting lesser rewards than what you mentioned.