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Topic subjectLearning Bonuses
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=57041
57041, Learning Bonuses
Posted by Smarty Pants on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, I don't the person everyone hates.. But I am just curious what is with all the Skill Learning Bonus sessions going on?

I understand one of the largest complaints from the player base is that it takes too long to perfect skills or wanting less time investment. That said, this seems like a lopsided fix. If all I wanted to do was play dumb races, then this would be awesome.. but inherent intelligence is often a factor I take into consideration when I roll a character.

If I am playing a 20+ Int character I have no problem learning skills, before the skill learning bonuses. If I actively choose to play a sub 20 Int Race.. well I think that should be my problem, not the rest of Thera's to fix. I often feel that I can compete with these other races that have huge bonuses at lower levels better because my skills are often more reliable. But now, Giant Resist/Bash/Detect Hidden/Dual Wielding Claws and Staffs/What ever the hell it is Orcs get... + higher % skills at a lower level just makes it fairly lopsided (not even to mention the usually easily exploitable vulns of many High Int races).

I am not necessarily suggesting doing away with learning Bonuses, but I guess I am just curious if there are other things that are being considered in Imm Land to benefit some of these other races. I know awhile back you all looked at Elves and lowered their XP penalty. Anything else in the works for high Int races?
57046, RE: Learning Bonuses
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I am just curious what is with all the Skill Learning Bonus sessions going on?

The mechanized bonus system was shut down for a bit and when we fired it back up a number of sessions were scheduled all at once.
57047, I like all the bonus sessions
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It doesn't help you all the time but it's helping someone. I hope you keep frequently scheduling them!
57045, This is a point of some debate....
Posted by Vonzamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but I at least am in the camp that beleives the dexy races, which are usually the smart races as well, have gotten pretty big boosts over the last several years while slower, stronger, and usually dumber races have had more problems competing at least at hero. Usually if I am playing a giant or orc basher type, I do very well against non-dexy opponents, but tend not to have an answer to arials, elves, drow, or half-breed dexy types. I'd say the smart races don't really need another bump, although I think the arial loss of int and higher exp penalty at the same time might have been a bit too much of a nerf to them.
57044, Dunno
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the bonus on high int races too. Hopefully they'll still be going by the time I next do some spamming!