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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectShield Block
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=56613
56613, Shield Block
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How would combat change if shield block was upped in effectiveness more than it already is, but had a small-to-moderate drain on MV's?

I got the idea thinking of how blocking and attacking works in Dark Souls, and while it would be unreasonable to make basic melee swings drain mv's, it would create interesting strategic considerations if shield block made permabash melee all but impossible, made shield cleave vastly more integral to a basic warrior strategy, and was a noticeable strategic tradeoff for bards, warriors, thieves, anti-paladins, assassins, druids, shamans and the like.

Increased effectiveness, allowing squishier builds more leeway to get off critically important fight changers against burst damagey builds, but directly attacking the ability to walk away from the fight. It also makes shield paladins less impervious to attack even if they have an unbreakable, unremovable shield paired with Defiance.
56614, You could do this
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But overall it feels like a bit of an Achilles heel because if you are a shaman, say, you can't really not use a shield. So now some opponents can exploit your low moves.

Also, shield already feels defensive enough given that most classes can't address it.

Improving melee defense but having it drains moves feels as if it would give too much advantage in some situations and too much disadvantage in others.
56615, RE: You could do this
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>But overall it feels like a bit of an Achilles heel because
>if you are a shaman, say, you can't really not use a shield.
>So now some opponents can exploit your low moves.

An empowerment class with refresh I'm not too terribly heartbroken that they are forced to lose moves in every single fight. This is fair. This is like the argument that if you want to get kills as a a druid or shaman you can't go in like a ####ing bulldozer, one of either your bash protection or flight has to be down in order to get your opponent to overextend. Now you have to consider if you want to use a shield or if you want to lose moves, so you might have to use fatigue and energy drain to compensate in the lower levels.

>Also, shield already feels defensive enough given that most
>classes can't address it.

Introducing an achilles heel into the skill in exchange for making it stronger is the point. Force people to address it, or force someone who is winning a fight to run the risk of losing their prey to a potion quaff instead of just having total control of the engagement by spamming lag moves with a tank spec. Conversely, things like dagger specs are forced to address the shield instead of just drop a target's stats in 6 rounds beyond what is reasonably addressable with stat gear without making huge sacrifices in damage and then say 'I win'.

>Improving melee defense but having it drains moves feels as if
>it would give too much advantage in some situations and too
>much disadvantage in others.

That would be the idea. Besides, at minimum it throws a pretty big kink into most traditional defensive pre-20 skill spam. We're not talking Accelerate levels of movement loss here, maybe 100 MV over the course of a 20 round fight, partly mitigated by natural standing mv regen.

It would suitably force the strongest melee builds right now to address the shield, while allowing weaker builds to work their mojo but not completely flip the matchups on their head. Right now shield block just prolongs the inevitable. It would also allow tanking tougher mobs for a wider variety of mobs but not necessarily tank very many of them relative to something lucky blows. Trying to do any tanking in the 40's with a non-sword/spear warrior is quite often putting one's head on the guillotine, and any situations the shield would be an issue mobs usually have some kind of equipment breakage worked into their skills.