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Topic subject(Complaining) God I hate you guys for that.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=5628
5628, (Complaining) God I hate you guys for that.
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You run out of mouvement...you die...and STILL don't have mouvement...now how can someone return quick enough to keep his trinkets? Hm? HM? It's happenning to me for too many times now...a bitch I tell you!

Now why is it that way?
5651, RE: (Complaining) God I hate you guys for that.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I'm sad that I worked on this after such a bitchy post. In the future, you can express your displeasure without all the bitchy.

2) For next crash/reboot, if you die, the minimum movement you'll come back with is significantly higher. This will not apply if you die while still a ghost, because that can lead to badness.

5633, RE: (Complaining) God I hate you guys for that.
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You run out of mouvement...you die...and STILL don't have mouvement...now how can someone return quick enough to keep his trinkets? Hm? HM? It's happenning to me for too many times now...a bitch I tell you!

Now why is it that way?

I sympathize with you completely. People often forget that every character element is important. Exhaustion, hunger, thirst, and economic concerns are easily overlooked.

Just make sure you are stocked with food, water and a few spare copper coins. This takes a couple minutes at most - even for a level 1 character. OUTFIT is your friend. Plan your routes carefully.

There are relatively easy ways to increase your stamina as well. You can earn extra bonuses for wandering and exploring, also. It makes a difference.

You'll be fine. Go kill!
5636, RE: (Complaining) God I hate you guys for that.
Posted by SandDemon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the complainer was complaining about a PK situation.

Shaman/necro/etc drains all your movement, then kills you. Suddenly you're a ghost, and have no movement to even have a chance to make it to your corpse.

Yeah, it sucks - I agree with him, but eh....not sure of a fix.
5637, RE: (Complaining) God I hate you guys for that.
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the complainer was complaining about a PK situation.

Shaman/necro/etc drains all your movement, then kills you. Suddenly you're a ghost, and have no movement to even have a chance to make it to your corpse.

Yeah, it sucks - I agree with him, but eh....not sure of a fix.

I've been there, and done it to others as well. But how is dying to a necro/shaman any different from dying from some other cause? A fresh ghost has no moves irrespective of how she died....?? (I haven't died for lack of mvs in awhile)

Getting your things back is one of CF's greatest luxuries.
5638, I beleive if you die with mvs they carry over, same with no mvs. nt
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5641, Eh???
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not a new player there...

I meant if you walk somewhere, get to rest because you don't have mouvement (Mostly in the lowbie range) and suddently, someone walks by, sees you and kills you. You got the same amount of mouvement that you had back there so...you died at 0% of mouvement, you stay at 0. Which isn't cool. But hey, if nothing can be done and I gotta live with it...I'll just either rest more often or play empowered class with the refresh supplication from now on! :P
5642, I think I raised this a while back
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just can't remember the response (other than to note that it was never implemented). I've always felt it would be a boon to regearing if moves got set to 100% when you have been killed.
5643, We'll kick it around.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've always felt it would be a boon to regearing if moves got set to 100% when you have been killed.

Among other things, not all of them good. I've proposed an intermediate plan that would hopefully mitigate some of those other problems, and we'll see what the staff thinks.
