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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectMelee Damage Questions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=56054
56054, Melee Damage Questions
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I came across this post by Zulg on the newbie board about how melee damage is calculated:

"1. Check to see if you actually hit
2. Roll the dice for the damage of your weapon (8d6 = avg 28)
3. Scale the damage based on your knowledge of the weapon
4. Scale the damage based on your level vs. level of the weapon
5. Scale the damage based on enhanced damage
6. Add damroll to the damage
7. Do damage

There are other things that can happen in there based on other skills, legacies, edges, etc. That is really it at a high level."

I've a few questions about it.

1) what is the enhanced damage multiplier? Does it scale by level?

2) Is scaling based on knowledge of weapon a bonus or penalty or both? What I mean is if my skill in the weapon is 100%, is that the full damage I rolled where anything less than 100% is penalized? Or is the full damage a % (like 86) less and anything above or below is a bonus and below is a penalty?

3) Slightly unrelated but is there a list posted anywhere of the numerical damage ranges for each damage verb? If not, mind posting one?
56060, RE: Melee Damage Questions
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>1) what is the enhanced damage multiplier? Does it scale by

It's random and varies a lot, scaling by skill.

>2) Is scaling based on knowledge of weapon a bonus or penalty
>or both? What I mean is if my skill in the weapon is 100%, is
>that the full damage I rolled where anything less than 100% is
>penalized? Or is the full damage a % (like 86) less and
>anything above or below is a bonus and below is a penalty?

Penalty if skill is low.