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Topic subjectDepths of depression - does it affect damage songs?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=56014
56014, Depths of depression - does it affect damage songs?
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or just maledicts?
Which is to say, you generally want to maledict early, not after you took time to lower their morale. So...
56033, RE: Depths of depression - does it affect damage songs?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Both/either. Its bonus scales with how low the target's morale is.
56037, Nice, thanks
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56015, I think it only affects damage songs
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is greater damage to those with low morale. (and read this as below the moderate)
Daunting dirge singer is the one for stronger maledicts I think, it's been a little while since I barded and I'm going off memory.

That being the case depths is only generally going to be useful if you stack it with erode confidence, and maybe a flourish, but nobody uses flourish in PK. Though with the edge it will at least feint an attack for you.

If you want the most mileage, try putting on some maladicts before you go for damage (of course people just flee teleport- so be that crazy guy who is trying to plague them or curse them with talismans) to try and get their morale lower. Maybe try fearing them to get them to flee, all the while hoping erode confidence is stacking on them.

The damage boost may not always be able to notice though. A low obliterate to a high obliterate looks the same.
And until you drop the morale a noticeable amount, it's probably not even helping you out a great deal. People in groups tend to have morale bumps, so you have to realize the edge is only helping you down the road in a fight, but in a short fight of say 10 rounds or less most of the time it's not helping much if at all.

I always take depths and erode confidence, but only once I have the other edges I find more useful. They are both nice edges, but sort of niche in practice.

Erode confidence is just fun because it gives you a passive stackable malediction to put on a guy.
56016, RE: I think it only affects damage songs
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, you're right. It is a boost that is hard to notice, especially in that upper echelon damage verb range.

I could have sworn somewhere Daevryn said something about songs or certain songs being harder to save against with a lower morale. Does that sound right? Edited to say I searched for it but couldn't find it.
56017, Why do you go tragic then?
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you don't care about taking tragic specific edges, I don't see a reason for choosing tragic as my preferred rep.

The 1 level bonus is negligible and other repertoire-specific edges are very good.