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Topic subjectPraying and Visions (Idea)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=56005
56005, Praying and Visions (Idea)
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had an idea to make communication between the various Gods/Goddesses and their followers (esp. those seeking empowerment) a bit easier.

It's a pretty simple idea to boot.

First you make prayer more like 'note'. The sender actually writes out a prayer. The sender has options to send it to a specific god/goddess, a class of them like gods of light, gods of dark, gods of order, etc so on and so forth, or all.

The second part is the addition of a command called 'Visions' which is how the Gods/Goddesses would infer their state of mind concerning your prayer or status. Visions would be a set of colored messages/imagery that convey a general sense of the God's mood or direction they think you need to take. Basically this would be the CF version of a divine voicemail. Instead of always relying on meeting up or logging in at the same time or hoping that another imm could cover for you, this system would mean that you (the imms) could leave your follower a message or impression in a 'vision' that the follower can call up in order to get a better sense of their progress even when you are not physically around.

Just a thought.
56009, I like this.
Posted by Doof on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The most frustrating part of playing an empowerment character is praying and having no idea if the Imm is logged in and just watching you, or if they're not there at all. I usually assume that if I'm getting no feedback at all, I must be doing ok, and things typically work out in the end.

I have deleted a few characters (with roles that I loved) with which I went days and days and either my character was ignored completely OR the Imm and I weren't online at the same time. Again, no way to know.

56006, Voicemail dreams
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the idea. Then if someone wakes you up with a "murder priest" and you don't get to finish the vision, you can role play it up. Distraught over losing the vision, whatever. Extra opportunity for role play, plus dreams that don't require the presence of an immortal would be neato.

As for Pray, I think they can already see a log of prays with their name in it or something?