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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRethinking the Cabal System
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=55935
55935, Rethinking the Cabal System
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My idea is simple.

My idea is that instead of vesting a single object with the power(s) of a cabal, that specific cabal items be given to each member that has the power of the cabal vested in them.

However the main cabal item (the cabal items we use now) are like the Green Lantern (Lantern) and the item you have on you is like the GL Ring.

Instead of having the current system where everything centers around the 'Lantern' in my idea there are multiple strategies that can be evolved by simply requiring a two-step process for 'repowering your ring' so to speak.

Step 1. Kill Enemy or Enemy Guardian.

You know how Tahren can detect that you've made a kill? I'd have a system that is similar but it is the recent death of an enemy cabal member or their outer guardian.

Step 2. The Chant

Once you are recently blooded go back to your cabal and standing in fron of whichever mob holds the cabal item (lantern) you recite your cabal oath (like the green lantern oath get it) and your item is refilled with power.

By creating something like this you allow several things to come into being.

As an enemy I don't need to raid your cabal to take away an individual cabal members power I just need to kill them and sac their 'GL ring'. For the purposes of this idea, the item should have a means to be 'recalled' but when 'recalled' it is only in its 'depowered' form. Something like the 'Outfit' command but only for that one object and only if you don't already have one.

By doing this I create a situation where that individual HAS to raid. Regardless if their cabal item (the Lantern) is still at the cabal, they can't use the power of the lantern without the ring. They can get another ring immediately but it will be depowered.

Taking the Lantern (cabal item) wouldn't automatically depower cabal members but as they die (and have their GL rings sacced) the problem becomes evident - it won't be enough to simply raid and kill the guardian ONCE...each member who died while the lantern was missing and had their GL ring sacced will need to find an enemy or kill the guardian as either part of that initial retrieval to get the lantern back OR at some point later in time.

This means a plus on the 'keeping my power side' but a con on the 'raiding' side in that you can't sit things out and let other people do the work. You have to at some point engage an enemy cabal member or kill their guardian to do Step 1 in repowering your ring.

Now im sure there will be detractors but I think the core (GL lantern/ring) is solid and everything else is a matter of figuring out a means to angle it so its fair and balanced to everyone.

Just a thought!


I think it best that if this idea were taken seriously at all that when the 'lantern' is taken the rings slowly lose 'charge' and depower automatically within 48 hours game time which adds a bonus for attempting quick retrievals while you still have your powers.

55936, Nice idea
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it is viable for vets but newbs would suffer badly under this system.