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Topic subjectThief Guild Membership and Kingpin Questions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=55731
55731, Thief Guild Membership and Kingpin Questions
Posted by Saagkri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, there is limited info in the helpfiles, so I have some questions:

1) Can an elite member call for a vote if there is already a kingpin?
2) Is there anything stopping the Kingpin from blackballing elite members once a vote is called?
3) Can people who join the guild and become elite after a vote is called vote?
4) How can you tell if a guild has a kingpin without joining it?
5) Is there any way to leave a guild without being blackballed?
6) Can you join another guild after being blackballed?

Thanks for any help
55732, Some answers and advice
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. Yes, as far as I know once you are elite you can call for a vote anytime.

2. Unsure, but they can see how much gold you have donated and blackball you anytime before a vote is called. I've had someone blackball me the moment I became elite so I couldn't call a vote (see #1).

BTW this is the reason when I play a thief I don't donate to the guild except to get in. You can say bye-bye to all that gold once you are blackballed and you can be blackballed with impunity. Alot of lightwalking thieves have been blackballing evils of their guild if they make kingpin status. A real asshole move but it makes sense RP wise. My advice is to keep your gold in the bank until you have way above the amount needed to be Elite. You will see where you stand in relation to other people donating by typing 'guild members' which lists people in order of donations I believe.

3. Unsure but I think so, the vote itself has a time limit that lasts quite awhile and any elite member can vote during this period.

4. Just type 'leaders' in-game. Command lists all leaders including thief guild leaders.

5. Not that I know of.

6. Yes. Plus there are several guilds that don't require membership.

55738, Calling the vote
Posted by Swordsosaurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a period after each vote when another can't be called, so people can enjoy their success.