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Topic subjectWand hint errors?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=55577
55577, Wand hint errors?
Posted by AncientNewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've come across two wand hint messages and wondered what they mean. First, on a neutral guildmaster that has given me plenty of hints before, I occasionally get:

"The guildmaster whispers to you 'Hrm. On second thought, I'm not certain I trust you enough to disclose what I know.'"

Also, I've received the message:

"The guildmaster whispers to you 'Something is amiss! Pray upon high!'"

I tried praying about the second one but there's a chance no one was around at the time. Can you shed some light on these?

55578, RE: Wand hint errors?
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just as a heads-up: The guildmaster who was with you when you prayed is of good alignment.

Also, I've received the message: "The guildmaster whispers to you 'Something is amiss! Pray upon high!'"

This was a logic error, and it's been fixed as of last reboot. Shouldn't happen any more.

First, on a neutral good guildmaster that has given me plenty of hints before, I occasionally get: "The guildmaster whispers to you 'Hrm. On second thought, I'm not certain I trust you enough to disclose what I know.'"

If the wand in question would be obtained by killing a good-aligned NPC, that guildmaster won't pass on what he knows. (Good-aligned mages never get these spots, but since you're neutral, you can.) Because two of the six wand-using classes are evil-only, there are more wands on evil NPCs than good ones, but you'll run into these periodically.

You'll want to ask a neutral guildmaster (or bribe an evil one) for that particular hint. (Asking a neutral guildmaster is always the best case for a neutral mage-- they won't decline to help you, and won't demand a bribe.) The helpfile for Discuss was recently updated to include mention of this.

55579, RE: Wand hint errors?
Posted by AncientNewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Makes sense - thanks!

Also, so far I'm loving the changes. Had a barrier hint today that was on a spot I wouldn't normally try to check at the level I am, but since I knew there was a black rod there I pulled out all the stops to take it down. Fun stuff.