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Topic subjectWhy would an Orc grab another cabal item?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=5554
5554, Why would an Orc grab another cabal item?
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. Does not give him any benefits? Like special skills or powers? Was thinking if an Orc can grab another cabal's item, orcs will gain certain special skill or benefit.

2. Orc can't summon. Most cabals have members with summon, except orcs and village. An orc staying to defend will be summoned and gank. Then lose the cabal item. Yet again, why would an orc grab another cabal item?

3. Let orcs be APs or shaman. Then there will be more assortment of orcs and groups.

4. Special benefits when orcs group together like felar. Give them some benefits (instead of ranking exp) so that they will band together and gank. That's why orcs do, overwhelm with numbers and gank. May lead to ganking squad. But I think this has a racial fit for orcs. Orcs like to gank in numbers.

Monday morning. I have lots to say. *grouchy*
5564, RE: Why would an Orc grab another cabal item?
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1. Does not give him any benefits? Like special skills or
>powers? Was thinking if an Orc can grab another cabal's item,
>orcs will gain certain special skill or benefit.

Uhm, be glad you get anything?

>2. Orc can't summon. Most cabals have members with summon,
>except orcs and village. An orc staying to defend will be
>summoned and gank. Then lose the cabal item. Yet again, why
>would an orc grab another cabal item?

A) You have hide. Only ones to worry about are duergar summoners, and thieves/assassins.
B) Why the hell are you defending anyways? You're an orc. If you can kill them, go for it. If not, just run the hell away.

>3. Let orcs be APs or shaman. Then there will be more
>assortment of orcs and groups.

Uh, no. Orc shamans/witch-doctors? Okay, cool. Don't let them water down into just another race who can pick classes. (BTW, would you REALLY want an orc casting spells? More likely to blow himself and his groupmates up)

>4. Special benefits when orcs group together like felar. Give
>them some benefits (instead of ranking exp) so that they will
>band together and gank. That's why orcs do, overwhelm with
>numbers and gank. May lead to ganking squad. But I think this
>has a racial fit for orcs. Orcs like to gank in numbers.

Uhm, they do? Have you not noticed the number of their skills which run along the lines of "This skill kinda messes with you, but they really get screwed"? Ever think of what happens when instead of just dealing with one non-parrying orc in such a situation, they're trying to defend against 3 or 5, at half-parry effectiveness? There's quite a few like this.
5560, RE: Why would an Orc grab another cabal item?
Posted by Little Timmy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1. Does not give him any benefits? Like special skills or powers? >Was thinking if an Orc can grab another cabal's item, orcs will >gain certain special skill or benefit.

That's Phase Two.

>2. Orc can't summon. Most cabals have members with summon, except >orcs and village. An orc staying to defend will be summoned and >gank. Then lose the cabal item. Yet again, why would an orc grab >another cabal item?

True, but typically orcs would have to band together with non-orcs.

>4. Special benefits when orcs group together like felar. Give them >some benefits (instead of ranking exp) so that they will band >together and gank. That's why orcs do, overwhelm with numbers and >gank. May lead to ganking squad. But I think this has a racial fit >for orcs. Orcs like to gank in numbers.

Did you not notice that orcs get massively higher amounts of xp when grouped together?